The type

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Darry :  everyone always say the motherly type but I feel like Darry want someone who is still meantly a kid it makes him feel younger and more relaxed 

Sodapop: they say opposite attract but not for Soda I can see him wanting a crazy wild girl is is willing to do all his crazy things with him but also someone with a heart for ceartin things like babies or animals or something 

Ponyboy: Not someone nerdy but , some one who is confident around him and not to emotional 

Two-bit: As crazy as he is I can see him with a shy girl but when she comes out of he she'll she can really have a good time 

Johnny: someone protective he had the gang but he can't talk to them like the way he can to you ! Oh and someone sweet and as a big heart 

Dally : a under cover tough girl someone who had tried or done everything but dosent really talk about it she oh lots of tough love 

Steve : willing to show her emotions to him he loves being able to protect but he really has to love you or he will just get annoyed 

Y'all look at Dal as a kid ❤️

💛get Johnny one I'm buyin'

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