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A short and sad imagine 

You were walking home . It was about 9:00!oclock so it had been dark for a while . You weee passing house not noticing much just looking. A few house a way you could hear screaming and yelling . It was only a few moments till you realized it was Johnnys house . 

You ran to the house and started yelling at the house and the people in it " Stop it Stop Stop " u screamed at the top of ur lungs . You started to sob but still screaming. Then Johnny was pushed out the door and is mom and dad where still hitting him . You stared to run toward them to try and get them to stop but the mom then started walking toward you and and Johnny fought back against his Dad and ran to you ." O my gawd o my gawd " u were still crying. Johnny ran over to you and swung his arms around you and held you tight he hadn't even been crying. He had bruises all over him but he acted as if he was okay 

His parents started running after you so you and Johnny ran off . Once you lost them he held you againt his chest " hey hey it's okay babe it's okay " Johnny told you " I'm sorry I should of off helped you or called for someone I could of helped " you stammered out " No no it okay comeone let's take a walk " 

Sorry for it being sad tell me what you think I need request so y'all feel free to comment 

💛I've got me a ornery pony 

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