I got tagged Idk what that means

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1. I have white long hair like Dally ( in the book ) which makes me proud

2. Failing science 

3. Catholic 

4. I'm a waitress 

5. I'm 14 

6. None of my friends know about this account the call me crazy 

7. I want to write a book ( nobody knows tho ) 

8. I want to join the army

9. The Outsiders changed my life 

10. I will always stay gold ...... for Johnny 

Idk what I'm supposed to do when it says add a title ?? @tvfreak101guide 


I tag more people later I have to follow a bunch now I put it in the comments just keep a eye out 

JOKE : why are seagulls called seagul .... cause if they flew by the bay the would be called Baygulls 

Um I really don't have  any spoilers 


Y'all remember to comment cause I need to find people to follow 

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