Dally " turn around " - requested

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To one Lynn the Curtis sister of the freaky four ( dude it's always the 4 of us so we need a name lol yeah or no )

September 24
Lynns point of view
"Hey Darrryyyy " I shouted all I pulled up my jeans " hey whatttt " he said piping his head through the door . " Sorry sis " he said while covering his eyes while I pulled up my pants . " It's fine , but I was going to ask . ( I leaned into his ear ) do you know if Dally has anything planned for tomorrow " I said eagerly because Darry always told me the gangs secrets and would never lie to me . " huh no whats tomorrow " he was totally clueless " are you serious " I said pulling one eyebrow up " sorry sis I really don't know " he turned around and started our breakfast. Soda ran in to the room and ran in to the piano ( have y'all ever noticed how they have one ) . " well good morning to you to Soda " I said laughing Pony was to " he sorry sis I'm in a rush " Steve had left town for some reason and Soda had to walk to work since Darry truck broke down . " he grab a piece of toast and ran out the door " yay more for me " Pony sat down and took Sodas plate and piled it on to his . So are doing anything tomorrow. Ponyboy kinda choked and said " uh uh u uh burnt that piece of toast " Pony said taking a sip of chocolate milk . " Alright I'm off to work " Darry grabbed his tool belt and was off " I guess I better start walking " Pony said " Pony it's Saturday " yeah I know I have to meet Uh spending the night at uh marks house ( that was then this is now ) . " oh okay" he headed out the door and then I was alone
September 25
Still Lynns point of view
Okay so today is Dally and my 3 year anniversary. Things have been growing great and my love for him had gone through the roof. It's a type of love I can't explain.
The pretty much same routine play except I had work from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm because Sunday's are alway have day at the diner and Ponyboy was at Marks house and Soda was already leaving for work when I got up but he didn't have his Dx shirt on so I was a little confused but lol I always am ( jk jk your not stupid)
" Okay Lynn come home after work because I'm supposed to get a package around uh 1 and I need you to take it I " Darry said sternly " But Dar- " he cut me off " Be HERE AT 1 " he was getting angry " okay okay "
I went to work in a pretty good mood last year Dal came by with some rose and just sat there with them and took up another table but it was still sweet and the year before he actually got me a pretty shirt with lace at the bottom and a v-neck it was my favorite shirt until it got torn up in the wash . Dal never forgave me :( but he normally just hold it against me now !! When I got to work I started my usual duties clean of tables stacking cups filling in cokes and other bottled drinks . I waited on people from 7 to 8 no Dal huh probably still sleeping 8-9 probably just getting dressed trying to figure out what happened last night 9-10 uh he's probably driving here 10-11 okay mabye he's just a little late 11-12 where the fuck are you Dallas Winston I thought to myself . It finally was time to go and I was about to go find Dal when I remember I had to go pick up a package for Darry " ughhhh" I sighed out loud and turned around  I waited around till and then Dallas walked through the door . " Hey babe " he said stumbling through the door and sitting in the couch next to me " how was work" I looked at him and crossed my arms " fine " I said so bluntly " oh well that good " he hadn't taken the hint " uh so are we going anywhere to night "  I said giving another hint " no why " he said starting to light a cigarette " you know Darry hates when you smoke in the house and no reason " I through the cigarette on the ground and stepped in it " we watched some Tv and Dally kept looking at his watch at about 3 o'clock Dal said " let go for a ride " I had given Dally many hints that it was our anniversary but he was summer than a bat when it came to remembering things " ugh okay " " we can get some burgers or something like always "
" yeah like always " this was nothing new we did this all the time
We drove to another diner because the Dingo was closed when we pasted I was wondering what was going on " hey smartie u passed it "
" I know " Dallas said giving me a smirk
" you jerk " I hit him in the shoulder
" you knew it was our anniversary didn't you just like to pick on me " I said laughing " he stared at me " ITS OUR ANNIVERSARY " he really did forget oh my gosh " Wow Dallas I've been trying to not get angry all day . I thought you would remember. Why can't you just simply remember one date . You remembered the 8-digit # I gave you but you can remember a stupid date ! I thought we were going somewhere in this relationship but now you don't care anymore do you if you want to break up with me do it ! Don't drag it out just say it !!! I was pissed
Just then we pulled up at a huge lake " get out of the damn car moody " he grabbed me hand and took my hand "let's go for a walk " I was still angry but I guess this was all I was going to get for my 3 year anniversary the pond was beautiful but I really thou- my thoughts were interrupted by seeing this sign a little ways away to where I could read it . What that ? I ask " I dunno let see " we walked in between a clearing where I read the sign and it real " Be more than just my gal , turn around " Ponyboy Soda Darry and Two-bit where holding it up " I stood there with my hands over my mouth " omg " hey chick turn around " I heard Steve say he was holding a large box Johnny was holding and bundle of roses and Dal was on one knee . " I told you we were goin place love you girl " I jumped up in to his arms a we felt our love !!!! " I love you to Dal I can't even explain " the whole gang cheered and came up and we all had a group hug I actually thing Soda got teary eyes " he's such a big baby "

Okay here's the full thing sorry about that !!!! Hope you like it kid go follow this amazing person caity_caitlyn . She the bomb !!!!

💛well in definitely not itchin' to tell your big brother this and get me head kicked it !!!

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