Steve back to school

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I wrote this in like June but didn't post it till now because I didn't want to get any of y'all down because school is starting back up !!:(
" Final back to school meeting" I thought as I walked to the classroom every class had one every year before school started . " Woohoo I'm a fucking senior " Steve Randle yelled and raised his hands in the air . I rolled my eyes and half heartedly grinned that boy always made me laugh . I met up with one of my good friends and we started our way to the class room . " I can't believe we're almost grown up " my friend kinda mumble to her self " heh , we don't have to grow up if you don't want to " I said trying to cheer her up . She had always wanted to be a kid forever she probably alway would . She smiled " yeah I guess " we walked all the way to the class which was at the very back of the school " hey ( y/n) " I looked around to see who called me it was a male voice I looked up and saw Steve?? " hey Dude what's up " I said kinda smirking cause he had never really paid much attention the girls in our class much less me . He walked over to me and gave me a BIG hug squeezing my chest to him . When he finally let go I looked at him " really " I rolled my eyes " what " he said in a high voice " I know what u did " I had the same expression on my face . " What did I do were talking for 5 seconds and your already mad at me " he said chuckling " so you hugged me because you missed me or you wanted my breast against you " I raised me eyes brows ." Hahah ( he wiped his face ) yeah sorry about that " he was blushing " I hate you " I was laughing and started to walk away " I said I was sorry" he yells back to me . I just shook my head . Lord these boys

I can so see Steve doing that 😂🙄
Can you ?
💛did you ever think for working for a livin' two-bit

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