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" Uh Steve I-I don't want to do this anymore " u sighed about go all the way with your boyfriend " I'm really sorry "
Steve was on top of you giving u neck kisses . He ran his hand down your side then he took a deep breath " okay , thanks for telling me baby girl " he was devastated but understood " I really am sorry , you can go .... u know if u have to too " u we're looking embarrassed. " heh , no I'll get over it and I told you if u wanted me to stop to say so , so you were just listening to me , right " he was devastated anymore " do u want to watch a movie or do u want me to go . " No , no u can stay " u we're starting to get dressed now " if thats what you want me  to do " " of course it is Steve . I love " he turned around real quick.     " being with you" u finished he turned back around and put his pants on " yeah me too doll me to " he sighed out " come on we can go look for something on tv "

3 hours later

" geez it's 12:00 I guess I gotta get going " he kissed you on the for head and about left when u got up and tapped him on the shoulder . You then wrapped your arms around his neck and smashed your lips to his he was holding u up with one arm and holding the door with the other . He lightly smiled while you were still kissing " okay babe I'll see you tomorrow " he was still smiling " okay see ya dude " you sat back down on the couch .

A few minutes later you heard a massive crash . Your heart fell in to your stomach . U ran out the door barefoot . Your ran a block down the street to see Steves truck turned over and crushed and the other car on on its sit side  similar manner . You screamed screamed screamed screamed. Some one had already called the police and paramedics . You ran over to the crushed truck" steve " u whispered " STEVE!?" U screamed it . You knew he was inside of there , lifeless dead . He was somewhere else he wasn't here anymore . He left me he left Soda he left Darry and Pony and Two-bit . I bet his dad wished he had never yelled at him and told him to get out . I bet he was sorry

I was shaking a police officer came behind me and asked me to please move out because they were going to try to get the body out . " It's not just a body it's my boyfriend .His name is Steve!" I was screaming I was also dead inside.

The Curtis brothers and Two-bit had got the news after they had taken every thing away. Steves face was crushed and so was his chest up . There was no blood except for a gash on his leg probably from when the had to cut him out of the car .

When they got there Soda started to bawl and Pony went to go comfort him . Darry turned me toward him and bear hugged me he was way taller than me so his arms were by my head and neck . I hugged him back so so tight . My head was buried in his chest he just stood there rubbing my head " shhh shhh" he didn't say it was going to be okay . Just a few months ago Dally and Johnny.Now Steve  every things was being torn apart . We were all be torn away .

We walked home and Darry sat with me in the couch all night and I just bawled I cried my eyes out . I could hear Soda in his bedroom crying too . Soda was broken . I was dead and Steve was gone .

2 weeks later
Soda quit his job at the Dx and I had a hard time going to school . I went only a few day the last 2 weeks  . Me and Soda spent a lot of time together . Talking , crying and remembering. We both went in to a deeper depression from all the recent deaths
3rd person
You hadn't had real appetite for anything lately . There would be days were you wouldn't eat and Darry would have to force you . They had a grave for Steve . You finally brought your self to go up and see it u went to the funeral and that was the last you saw of Steve . The grace stone read : Steve Russel Randel ( I know they have his real name somewhere) 1950-1967
And in very small print it read " if heaven wasn't so far away " you sat at the grave for a little while and just cried leaning your head on it and touching the words . There was a pond in the middle of the cemetery and you thought you saw a brown head by with his hair in complicated swirls waving at you . Waving , goodbye . You got up and kissed the top of the grave and went home u were still sad about Steve but ever since u saw the happy brown headed boy way at you . U had this sick feeling Steve was happy now and u should be too .

I know this is sad but I felt a urge to write it sorry guys I'll have some good ones coming up . I love that picture of Steve so much

💛your shoes

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