Steve -i smiled he smiled

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I sat on the couch crying . My shirt was lying on the ground and I had a mirror in front of me my ( y/ color hair ) was messed up and my mascara was running down my face . I was so huge . I grabbed at my stomach and scratched it with my nails until it bled . " OWWW" I sobbed and screamed my stomach was throbbing and I had a headache and couldn't see straight . I hadn't eaten in 4 days I couldn't sleep at night and was in to much pain to keep my head up during the day. I hadn't seen my boyfriend Steve in those 4 days because he would kill me is he knew I did this . " why does he love me he shouldn't I'm so ugly and fat . I have no meaning . I'm stupid . I'm useless. I'm worth nothing . " I was taking to my self my stomach was still bleeding. Steve just then walked through the door and was whistling the Andy griffon tone a white bag swung in his hand . I turned my head so quick it hurt Steve ran over to me because he saw me crying. When he came around the couch he saw my stomach. " Wow babe what happened " His eyes were as big as baseballs he tried to touch my stomach but it hurt so bad . " Steve I- I" hold on I'm going to get something for that " he ran to the bathroom " Steve No! " I turned over on the couch and it made me so dizzy I had to lay my head down on the pillow beside me .
Steves p.o.v
I ran to the bathroom to get some peroxide and bandages for her stomach . I was trying to deny that she had done this to her self , but I knew for sure when I saw the bloody puke all over the floor and toilet . This nearly made me sick . " OH MY GAWD ( Y/N) ! " I yelled and ran back to her . She was laying down squinting her eyes " WHAT THE FUCK IS IN THE BATHROOM " I was ferocious. Why would she do this to her self she is beautiful and I don't know how may times I've told her omg omg . I couldn't believe it . I was standing in front of her and yelling at the top of my lungs " WHY WHY WHOULD YOU DO THAT " .... " DO YOU WANT TO DIE " ....." WHATVIS WRONG WITH YOU " her eyes were carting so much saddness just then it stung . " Nothing is wrong with me NOTHING ! I sorry I hate myself I can't stand it . Steve you derserve better . You deserve a thin girl with beautiful hair and happy smile . NOT ME ! " she tried to get up off the couch but fell I ran over to her and picked her up and dialed 911 . " I love you ( y/n) I love you more than I love myself . You are fucking beautiful and I hate it when you do this and I can't believe you would I thought you were stronger than that huh are you ? ! " I stopped yelling I knew that would hurt her more and I was really ferocious with myself for doing that to her . " Babe I love you ,stop doing this you are not fat " I was crying I hadn't cried in so many years . When the tears fell down my face it felt different I hadn't felt this way in a long time . Her head fell on my shoulder and in to my lap as soon as the ambulance came . She had passed out . " I picked up her head and shook her . " Come on ( y/n) wake up babe no !" The medics came in and took her away . I followed them to the hospital and sat when ( y:n) all night she had so many needles in her arms is made me shake . I cried all night silent sobs .
Your point of view
I woke up in a different place . It was warm and bright I felt loved there were no mirrors around but I felt beautiful. I turned around and then looked down the floor was clear and I saw Steve and a poor girls body laying on a bed who was she ? . The nurses were pushing Steve out the hospital room door he was pushing towards the girl and yelling my name . I knelt down on the ground and hit was seemed like glass " babe babe it okay it okay I'm here can't you see me " I was yelling but nothing changed . I got up and paced back and forth . I looked down again Steve was now sitting on a couch he seemed older mabye by a few years . He was holding a picture and the room was dark and his eyes were blood shot . He had a scruffy beard going on . " Steve Steve Steve " I yelled his name again and got on the floor . I layer down on the glossy ground and got up again Steve was very old now at least 40 and sitting on a bench . He had a worn jacket and gray hairs coming teenage kids were walking a round in ( 80's style ) clothes. He got up and walked to my grave and kicked it " Don't " I screamed he then knelt down and put his old worked hands on it he im sorry he said in sobs it tore me up to see him cry I had never seen him do that . I blinked and a tear fell from my face it was now raining Steve was a very very old man 80 at least and he was laying in his old bed in his old house with his old friend Soda . " hey Soda he whispered you know I used to her here call my name do you think I'm going crazy " " no bud never " Soda smiled he smiled and his eyes softly shut i then felt a hand on my shoulder . I turned around a saw a young Steve " who's that babe " " I realized where I was at " you find out " I smiled he smiled and we walked in to the bright light .

Omg I'm crying while writing this Wtf is wrong with my . Sorry if this made y'all sad and if it in accurate butttt anyways I just go a really good idea for a book !

💛don't die Johnny don't die

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