The gang in 106 heat !

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Lol so y'all probably know I live in Texas and it got up to 106 where I'm at ! To be honest it was hot but it's didn't feel that hot to me 😂😂😂😂

Darry : if he had the day off he would walk around in one of those tank tops he where under his work shirts !
Sodapop: lol he would strip down to his boxers and walk around like nothing's happening, oh and he'd where a pair of sunglasses all day !!
Ponyboy: gets sprayed with the water hose and try's to convince Darry to get a pool !!!
Two-bit : walks in shirtless and his hair is all flat cause the grease he uses can't with stand the heat . Falls face first in to the couch the second he gets in side !!!!
Johnny: actually like the heat better than the cold but buys ice cream and eat it in front of Two-bit not letting him have any !!!!!
Dally : walks around with his shirt off and low cut blue jeans 💙💙💙all day !!!!!!
Steve: sprays Pony with the hose and still try's to work on cars but Soda hides all his tools so he can't do anything in the heat . Oh and steals Johnny ice cream!!!!!!!

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