Dalllas and you fight

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I had come home late from work on a Friday night . Coming home to Dallas was normally amazing, but not when he thought you were being untrust worthy . I would alway be loyal to him though . He just didn't know it

When I opened the door he was in the kitchen smoking a cigarette. " hey don't smoke in the house " I said in a kind tone " hey don't sleep around " Dallas said ina mocking voice " where the fuck does that come from " I said getting angry " I know why you are always home late I know " Dallas was yelling at me " For petes sake I don't do that how can I prove to you that I don't , why don't you realize that it's not my fault you had been with alway 20 girls who did that to you . Your the dumbass who let that happen " I screamed back 

Well at least I have had girlfriends ... none of the guys even like you and nobody ever did " Dallas said " u think I don't know that I try not worry about that I have been like this my whole life guy can't stand the way I walk or talk or anything about me . I used to get called name s when we're kids and u know it and u a jackass are going bring that up " I was firous I wasn't sad I had cut that from my list of emotions I was just angry 

" you know if u came home on time I wouldn't have to bring that up , u caused this " Dallas said 

" o yeah like I cause everything like when u got caught for drunk driving that was my fault and when u lost that $100 dollars that was my fault . NOT EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT I TRY TO TAKE CARE IF YOU AND I TRY TO GRT YOU OUT OF JAIL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT NO EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT " I was yelling so loud I bet the Curtis could he 2 blocks away 

" Get out ( y/n) Get out " he was pointing toward the door . I had know where to go and he would just get more angry if I went to the Curtis house so I had know where " Wtf is wrong with u" I said as I walked toward the door 

" I hate you " Dallas said as those word pierced me like a spear " you know what I don't hate even though every nerve in my body says to I don't not when u called me stupid and retard back in middle school not when u completely ignore me in public . I don't hate even though I want " I said word that I couldn't control  there was a minute of silence " ( y/n) go up stairs I'm sleeping on the couch " he said still with anger but he felt a ounce of pity just a  tiny ounce . I walked up stairs and I knew I would have to be the one to apologize he just didn't do that I knew and I didn't hate him for it why I didn't know . 


💛I think it the ones in the middle who are real lucky ones 

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