Don't worry - Two-bit

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You looked in the mirror with ur shirt brought up . You had started gaining wait and weren't at all pleased with your apperance . Most of the guys were there so you made sure the door was shut . While biting your lip " well mabye I'm just bloated " you said to your self . That was a good enough excuse for now . You through on a t- shirt and blue jeans and walked out looking for your brush ( you practically lived at the Curtis house ) . " Hey ( y/n) " Ponyboy said while you walked out " Morning " you replied back 

You went and sat down next to Dally who absent kindly put his arm behind you . He didn't mean anything by it just casual being . When Two-bit came in he looked at you and smirked . You raised your eyebrows to this and shook your this " oh lord Dallas take your had out from behind me " u said in a annoyed voice " oh my bad " he said not giving a damn and walking off . " That's better " Two-bit said while walking over to you . " Now what do u want " u said "nothing he said letting you up and putting u around his waist . You wrapped his hands around his neck and he put his hands on your waist . What he did next shocked you . His hands squeezed your sides and he said " huh my little chickadee is so little anymore " why did he have to notice and say it out loud " huh yeah I guess "  you said " yeah ( y/n) dosent have chicken legs anymore " Steve said glancing your body " hey u better keep your hands and eyes OFF " Two-bit said while sitting down with you to watch some tv . They guys had already forgot about what had happened but you thought about it all day . 

You went to work and around lunch you stared getting hungry so you decided to walk over to the Dx and grab a bag of pretzels of something. When you got there the whole gang was hanging out except for Steve and Soda because they were busy doing something or other . You walked over to the guys with your bag of pretzels. And the guy we're talking about food  " No let me tell you man cheesecake is better than chocolate cake " Darry said u we're surprised that he was there . " I mean I love some chocolate cake but cheesecake is pretty much the best " Darry went in " Now where in the world did you get cheesecake from " Two-boy said " At that diner about 20 mins in the other side of town some of the guys took us there when when we got a raise " Darry said " hey ( y/n) how about we try this " cheesecake " tonight we'll make it a date " Two-bit offered " uh I'll come with but I'm trying to not eat any junk food " u said " why ur still thin ( y/n) " Johnny said " oh yeah I guess I'll get some " u said " okay 5:00 be ready " two-bit  said " I'll right I'll be there " walking off back to your job 

The day was taking long enough as it , but once Two-bit made is surprise date it was taking 20 times last longer . Once you got to the house you stared looking for something to where it was 4:00 so you had a little time to choose your outfit. You stripped ur close standing in your bra and underwear . You were the only one home so the door was about half way open . 

" hmm what about this " u said to your self u while looking at  the yellow tea length dress . " Seems nice enough " Just as up in zippeyhe back to step in to it Two-bit ran through the door " Yes, I knew I find u like this " u quickly sucked in and put ur hands over ur stomach ." Hey I didn't mean to scare you " " u didn't uh I just don't want u to uh see me " . " why " he asked " i don't know " . He then came behind u and wrapped his arms around ur waist. U sucked in to the point where it hurt . " hey hey hey u don't have to do that " Two-bit said starting to grasp the concept. " But look at me " u said while grasping at your sides . " hey I love those sides and everything else . Don't worry " . " Huh yeah I'll try " u finished pulling up ur dress and u and Two- bit went to that restaurant. Two-bit about went crazy when he saw they had Chocolate Cheesecake and he ended up eating half of yours but u had a great time . 

I started this before the war series so sorry if it dosent go along VOTE AND COMMENT REQUEST ARE OPEN !!!!!!!

💛 I'm a night 

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