I love the Outsiders and have been motivated to write lately idk why I'm new at this so y'all help me out request are always open unless said other wise stay gold wish me luck
I was that hated time of the month and I was dreading it this time had been worse than ever . I was watching my siblings when it hit . I felt like someone was grabbing my uterus and squeezing and twisting it was horrible. I layer fell down on the couch and curled up in a ball straighter out flipped over moved every way possible trying as hard as I could to not make a sound . Only a few gasps came from my mouth
I had been cramping for about 30 mins when Johnny came by " Hey (the first part of your name ) what wrong are u okay ) he came and kneeled down by my head " uh it's my u know " I never wanted to burden Johnny with all of that " Oh are u sure I think I should call someone " Johnny said oviously worried
My sibling came running in the room " ( y/n) what's wrong with u ) the oldest of the 2 said " Lady stuff" Johnny said quicker than you so u didn't have to answer " (y/n) pregnant (y/n) pregnant " the younger one said " No, she's not " Johnny yelled and they soon shifted to another room " can I get u some medicine " Johnny asked I nodded my head squeezing my eyes due to the pain . Johnny came back with some pain killers " Here you go " I looked at the bottle to see that these were my mom prescribed pain killers for her knees or something " Johnny, these aren't the right pills " . " it says pain killers write u are in pain " Johnny asked counfused . " yeah but " I flipped over real fast trying to fight the tears . " Hey ( y/n) I-I really don't know what to do I'm sorry " Johnny said sadly " hey it's okay ..... u can leave if u want " I said "
" no I'll stay here with u " Johnny said he got up from kneeling and sat on the couch right next to u " it's hurts so bad and don't tell anyone I acted like this " I said emabarresed " I will never mention it and your not being weak I don't see u any different it will be okay " Johnny said trying to rub your shoulder. He stayed by my side until the hour and a half of cramps were gone . He then stared asking questions about how everything worked and how I was just on the edge of dying and now I'm perfectly fine which I found pretty funny.
Sorry it's been a while was at cheer camp
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