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The breeze of the gray gloomy air flows through your (H/C) hair as you lay down in the grass.

Your eyelids start to feel droopy and heavy, the day was just so perfect and peaceful. The warmth surrounding you wasn't helping your case of drowsiness.

"You can sleep you know I won't mind." That raspy voice you know and love says. Sting.

"I know I can but I don't want to I feel like it's super rude to leave you up." You say trying to stifle a yawn.

Sting wraps his arm tighter around your waist and presses your head into the crook of his neck. "Just sleep, your so stubborn when your sleepy you know that?" He chuckles.

"Whatever..." you proceed to close your eyes and fall deeply into the deepest slumber.

It's been about 4 months since the grand magic games ended and 4 months since you and Sting have been dating. Fiore has been up the wall since you two made headlines.

"Sabertooth guild master Sting and Fairy Tail S-Class wizard (Y/N) are Fiore's Top Couple!"

"Dragon Slayer Couple Alert!"

And other cheesy titles to go along with it. You honestly didn't even mind all the attention, it only bothered you when people aka Jason makes up silly rumors and what not but, the only truth you know is that you and Sting are happy.



"What's happening? Who's there?!"

You were in a dark room, everything was black you couldn't see a damn thing!

"Sting! Where's Sting?!"

"You mean your little boyfriend? Don't worry about him just focus on me!"

"Who even are you? What do you want?"

The voice never responds. The lights come on in the room and your suddenly wearing a bright red sleek dress and a hallway opens up. As the hallway lights up the walls are filled with photos.

"Are these my memories?"

"They are now come find me (Y/N)..."

Water's Light Book 2 (Sting x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now