Interview Between Author and 2 Naruto Characters

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Author: Okay so here we have Naruto Uzumaki.
Naruto: Hey I'm Naruto and I'm going to be Hoka-
Author: Okay we get it you're going to be Hokage.
Naruto: Ughhhh
Author: Okay...first question what do you think of Kai?
Naruto: *blushes* U-Um is she going t-t-to see this?
Author: No she's not *turns head away a nod yes*
Naruto: *still blushing* Well to be honest I think she's really funny and cool and outstanding to me. I also think she's cute, that's why I'm going to make her my future girlfriend!
Author: Okay. How long have you known Kai?
Naruto: I met her when Hinata was getting bullied me and her helped Hinata but got our butts kicked in the process *rubs neck sheepishly*
Author: What age, Naruto. What age?
Naruto: Oh yeah probably when we was around 5.
Author: How would you describe Kai?
Naruto: Why does all this questions have to be about Kai?!
Author: Uh Un Uh I'm suppose to ask the questions here.
Naruto: Uh *blushes* Okay well, she's really Talented and shows it off when she needs to. She's also really...really....really...
Author: Come on spit it out Naruto.
Naruto: I think she's really Caring and Different. I also think she is so cute that almost any guy can fall in love with her.
Author: Okay now we start the faster round! Okay what's Kai's favorite color?
Naruto: Easy its Sapphire.

Author: Okay now we start the faster round! Okay what's Kai's favorite color?Naruto: Easy its Sapphire

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Author: Correct. What's Kai's favorite activity?
Naruto: Uh Art.
Author: Wrong its hanging out with friends. What's Kai's Jinchuuriki?
Naruto: The Twelve-Tailed Dragon.
Author: Who was Kai's first friends in Konoha?
Naruto: Duhh its me!
Author: Wrong it was Sasuke, Shikamaru and Itachi. What's Kai's favorite flower?
Naruto: Uh how do you pronounce it? Blue Chrysanthemums?

Author: What's would Kai say is her secret special talent?Naruto: Uh, Uh SINGING!Author: Correct

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Author: What's would Kai say is her secret special talent?
Naruto: Uh, Uh SINGING!
Author: Correct. Now its time for the lightning round! *cues lightning and thunder sound effects* Okay, What would Kai choose Night or Day?
Naruto: Night
Author: Correct. Winter or Summer?
Naruto: Winter.
Author: Correct. So far you're on a roll. Ice or Fire?
Naruto: Uh, Uh, Ice!
Author: Right! Yellow or Pink?
Naruto: Kai is like a tomboy so she'll choose yellow.
Author: You know your friend well. Dogs or Cats?
Naruto: Dogs because she loves Akamaru and she's allergic to Cats
Author: Right. Romance or Horror?
Naruto: When Romance is too sappy and she'll cry but when horror is too scary she'll cry out of fear. Ill have to think about this.
Author: Naruto you cant this is the faster round!
Naruto: Oh yeah uh-uh-uh horror?!
Author: Correct. Calm or excited?
Naruto: Excited but she'll try to hide it by being calm
Author: Exact answer. *turns the card that says what Naruto said* Television or Exercise?
Naruto: Both.
Author: Right, you know your stuff kid. When is her birthday?
Naruto: Oh yeah I saw her birth certificate. December 21, (I don't know what year Naruto was born so yeah) 12:00 a.m
Author: Wow I didn't even know that. What's her middle name?
Naruto: Kamari.
Author: Correct. What's her eye color?
Naruto: Dark grey.
Author: Okay. The hardest one. What's was the length of her hair the last time you saw her?
Naruto: Ugh I don't know how am I suppose to know?
Author: Come on just take a wild guess.
Naruto: I know its long so.. 3.9 feet?
Author: Oh my gosh.
Naruto: What was that wrong?
Author: No it was right. Its just that I didn't even know that. Okay last question, what's Kai's main dream?
Naruto: Its to be the most strongest Kunoichi in Konoha.
Author: Correct. Now you have 16/17 you are a great friend Naruto. NOW GET OFF MY STAGE AND SEND IN M FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THE NARUTO SERIES!
Naruto: Wait I wasn't your fav-*gets kicked in the butt as Shikamaru walks in*
Author: Now hey Shikamaru I'm going to ask you some questions.
Shikamaru: Do I have to do this?
Author: Do you want to lose a finger?
Shikamaru: *gets scared* No.
Author: Don't worry its not a lightning round its going to be your opinion about Kai.
Shikamaru: That's easy. *blushes* She's hot, and she have a great personality and it kind of motivates me to put effort so she can be happy. *walks off stage* I've done my part.
Author: Oh well that's it for the interview and......
Author: Dang how can yall remember that, I was about to say Richard get me my M&M'S but thanks and so long.

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