Dancing To A Heartbeat

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Warning/s : Mentions of rape

The doors to the studio burst open as the super hyper bowl of energy from class 1-A rushed in, closely followed by the rest of the class.

"Kaminari slow down or you'll hurt yourself!" The class rep, Iida, called after him. The call fell on deaf ears as Kaminari rushed into the room. Once he hit the center of the room he stopped in his tracks, looking around in awe. As everyone else filed in they could see how giddy and excited he was, they could even see the small electric currents coming from him.

"Hey Pikachu, calm down before you shock us." Sero chuckled, using Kaminari's class nickname.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Kaminari hurriedly apologized.

"You're acting worse then Deku." Kastuki huffed as he put his bag down, Izuku pouted at the statement but kept quiet.

"I don't understand how you could be so excited about dancing when we're being made to do it." Todoroki sighed.

"Are you kidding!? How could you not like it!?" Kaminari said, electric currents buzzing around him once again, showing just how excited he was.

"Ok, now you look like Midoriya." Kirishima laughed. "If we put on some music will you calm down?" Kaminari nodded and threw his bag down against the wall, almost jumping around the room at this point.

"Maybe something a bit calming to start off with?" Ashido suggested. Kirishima hummed as he went threw their massive song list to find something to satisfy Kaminari. He smiled in victory when he came across one and hit play.

'Fake Love' by BTS started to play through the speakers and Kaminari started to slowly move to the starting beat, everyone started to watch and we're shocked to see how his quirk was reacting. The buzzing currents around Kaminari seemed to pulse with the beat of the music, being almost calm and slow. Once the chorus started Kaminari started really moving, his movements were smooth and fit with the pace of the music. As the speed of the beat started to increase so did the pulsing of the electric currents around him. As the song came to a end, Kaminari finished by spinning in place once, moving his head up to face the ceiling, hands resting on the gab where his shoulders met his neck. Once the music stopped, the electric currents that surrounded him where gone.

Kaminari dropped his head back in place and flinched at everyone looking at him, the whole class was staring at him in shock and amazement, even if one person (Kastuki) wouldn't admit it. Kaminari became flustered at all the attention, looking away from everyone as his whole face became red.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered.

"That was awesome!" Sero cheered.

"We didn't know you could dance Kaminari, you're really good." Yaoyorozu smiled.

"And the way your quirk reacted to it was quite interesting." Iida pushed his glasses up

"Calm down guys, you're making him nervous now." Kirishima chuckled as he lent on Kaminari's shoulder.

"Can you show us how you do it?" Uraraka asked.

"S-sure, it's not too difficult." Kaminari smiled.

Class 1-A danced at the studio almost every other day, some more then others. It was originally asked by Present Mic that they do this as it would do a number of things for the class.

1. Music is known to be able to have a calming effect that can be used to relieve stress. With all the villain attacks these kids have been through, he figured this would help calm them down.

2. It's a way for everyone to get closer and also to improve trust and teamwork. Doing a dance with a partner or in a group would be an easy way to improve a lot of trust issues some have with each other and would allow them to work together on something.

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