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Denki Kaminari is a normal teenager with the dream of becoming a hero. He has a confident persona and is liked by all his classmates, the problem is Kaminari is insecure, mainly because he's an Omega. Don't get Kaminari wrong he has nothing against any second gender, he just doesn't like his. While the blonde doesn't have a problem with Omegas he hates the fact that they're looked down upon, he doesn't want to be looked down on as weak and useless.

While Izuku came out as an Omega after lying about being a Beta like Kaminari, the blonde still couldn't seem to get past his fear of telling everyone. His class wouldn't hate him and would accept him, he knew that, but he still couldn't seem to get over his fear.

Kaminari has been hiding his second gender ever since he found out and he's done really well, only this will probably cause a problem in the future. Kaminari has been so successful at hiding his second gender because he's never had a heat, at all. Omega's use heat suppressants to regulate their heats to happened every three months instead of every month, Kaminari has been taking over the recommended dos and takes them more often then what you're meant to so he can stop his heat all together. This is of course unhealthy and can make heats worse the longer they are put off, but as Kaminari sees it, as long as he never has a heat there's no problem.

With Kaminari taking a lot more suppressants more often he goes through each bottle quickly, which now leads to his current problem; Kaminari has no more suppressants. This wouldn't really be a issue as he can just go and buy more, but with all the exam study and hero training he's been doing he can't seem to find the time, he still needs to rest and his training and study sometimes go through parts of the night. Its been a couple weeks meaning now his body is starting to function normally to start his heat, so out of desperation the blonde went to Izuku, hoping he could spare a few suppressants.

"So you've hidden the fact you're an Omega like I did?" Izuku questioned, stunned that he wasn't the only Omega.

"Yeah. And now I've run out of suppressants, I was hoping you could spare some?" The blonde hoped.

"But, wait, Kaminari I've never seen you leave for a heat. When is your's due?" The greenette asked, worried.

"Uh...I've never had a heat..." Kaminari hung his head.

"What?! Kaminari you know that's extremely unhealthy."

"I know, but I couldn't have anyone find out. Come on Midoriya, you know how important it is for me to hide it."

"I understand Kaminari, but you know nobody cares about second gender anymore, and you know our class definitely doesn't care." Izuku tried to reassure the blonde.

"People do still care though, I don't want to be thought of as weak. I know you get it but it's different for you, everyone already thought you were cool, everyone thinks of me as stupid. Image what they would think if I came out as an Omega."

"Kaminari, we'll all still care about you no matter what, you won't be looked down upon. But what you're doing is unhealthy, therefore I'm not giving you heat suppressants." Izuku slightly scolded.

"What?! But Midoriya I need them. Please, I can't have my heat, everyone will find out." Kaminari begged.

"I'm sorry Kaminari but you can't just stop your heat like this, its extremely bad for you, and I care too much for you to keep doing this. Plus I think its time you came out to everyone, it'll all be fine, trust me." The greenette gave the blonde a reassuring smile. Kaminari sighed in defeat.

After their talk Izuku promised to keep Kaminari's gender a secret, but still prompted that they should tell the class, to which the blonde refused. Izuku also agreed to help Kaminari get ready for his heat, explaining to him what he needed and that he had to be careful as they had no idea when his heat would hit, hopefully it wouldn't come during one of their classes. Kaminari tried to stay in his room as much as possible so if his heat hit he'll be hidden away from his classmates, but doing this now made his class suspicious of his behavior, Kaminari was usually very social, so the blonde locking himself in his room was concerning.

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