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Warning/s: Slight sexual actions ('lime' I believe it's called), not really Kirikami

Yep, you read that right. This chapter will not be featuring Kirikami (once again), but, will be featuring a relationship between Kaminari and Kayahara (from "The Annoyance of Blind Love"). I was really excited to write this so I do hope you all enjoy, and thank you to the lovely @electricnerd for requesting this oneshot. 

"I give up!" Kaminari groaned, leaning back against his Alpha's chest. "I'll never understand this stupid subject."

"Don't give up so easily. You'll understand it eventually."

"Well, 'eventually' is taking too long. We've been sitting here for ages and I still can't retain any of it."



"It's only been ten minutes."

Kaminari was silent for a moment, his face only going a little pink from embarrassment. "Yeah, well.....not the point..." Kayahara merely chuckled, leaning over to peck the blonde's cheek. 

The two students were currently sitting on the ground in an empty hallway of the school, Kaminari had placed himself in the senior's lap, accompanied by his books and writing equipment. Kayahara was supposed to be helping him study for a test that the blonde will be taking in about five minutes from now, but it was starting to seem that the ravenette's presence was becoming more of a distraction. 

"C'mon, two more questions then you're done."

"There too hard. And this is boring." The omega whined, tilting his head back to rest on Kayahara's shoulder.

"Either way, it's important that you learn this."

Kaminari sat up, giving the senior a deadpanned look. "Really? I'm training to be a hero, when will I ever need to use math?"

Kayahara rolled his eyes. "In everyday life, like for taxes or paying bills."

"Ok, then explain a scenario where I have to solve for 'x'." 

"What you should be solving for is 'a', because that's what you need to pass the class."

"Fine. Smartass." Kaminari grumbled, turning around so his back was fully facing the Alpha, pouting. Kayahara only shrugged, kissing the back of the blonde's head before slowly trailing down his neck. Kaminari shuttered at the action.

"...What are you doing?"

"Nothin'." Was the alpha's mumbled reply. Kayahara continued to mouth at the blonde's neck, irritating the Omega.

"You're distracting me." Kaminari grumbled, his face flushed as he glared down at his paper. Kayahara moved so his mouth was right next to the blonde's ear.

"Awe~. Am I~?" The ravenette cooed, voice dropping an octave. Kaminari let out an audible whine at the action, breath becoming ragged and body feeling hot. Kayahara loved doing this, teasing the Omega, making him all hot and bothered - he thought it was cute how frustrated Denki would get, how shy he would be. It was a rare sight, as the blonde usually had a bubbly and confident facade when being viewed by others in a public setting. Any chance the senior could get to see this side of his Omega, he would take.

The moment didn't last long however, as before Kaminari could open his mouth the bell rung, signalling students to start heading to their respective classes. Kayahara didn't bat and eye as he moved the blonde - who squeaked at the action - off his lap and stood up, confusing Kaminari who was trying to gain his bearings after the previous, heated interaction. 

Kayahara turned and smiled down at the Omega. "Good luck with the test." And with those parting words, begun making his way to class, leaving a frustrated Kaminari.

A sexually frustrated Kaminari.


Kaminari's back hit the wall hard, the rough action making him moan. Kayahara groaned in response, shifting the blonde up higher and securing him against the concrete wall. How did they get in this situation? Good question; it all started when the two decided to train together, mostly so Kaminari could become more experienced with close range/hand-to-hand combat. Obviously joyful and joking banter was included, which lead to teasing, which then lead two horny teenagers making-out in an abandoned school gym.

Kaminari felt a shiver run down his spine as Kayahara's hips rolled against his own, electing more moans and whines from the Omega. The senior smiled through the kiss, loving the reactions he was receiving from Kaminari, it pleased him to know how much he affected the younger student.

"More... Please...~" Kaminari panted.

"Patience baby. Patience." Kayahara murmured from the blonde's neck, lips quirking up in a smirk at the Omega's needy whine.  


It felt as if the room was getting hotter by the second, with every kiss the blonde felt himself coming undone. Kaminari was on cloud nine with the way the Alpha was touching him, he never wanted to come down from this high.

"Mmm~. Denki~." The omega shivered at the deep timber of Kayahara's voice. "Denki."

Kaminari rose a brow at the odd repetition of his name, his confusion slightly breaking him out of the haze. Kayahara hadn't done that before.


"Kami.... KAMINARI!"

The blonde jolted up, face flushed as he looked around startled. Kaminari was sitting at his desk, in his school uniform, with Sero, Ashido and Kirishima in front of him. He was confused.

"Whoa. Dude, calm down. No need to freak out." Sero chuckled.

"Sorry hun, we didn't mean to scare you awake." Ashido smiled apologetically.

The blonde was about to question his friends when it hit him: he had fallen asleep during class. It had all been a dream.

"Yeah.... Yeah no, sorry. What - what is it?" Kaminari tried to calm himself down a little more, willing the blush covering his face to disappear.

"Well, class is over and we're all going for some extra training." Ashido informed.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join us?" Kirishima asked.

"Training?" The omega question, his thoughts still a little jumbled.

"Yeah, training. Are you sure you're ok?" The pinkette reached over and pressed the back of her hand against Kaminari's forehead.

"I'm fine, really." The blonde gently pushed Ashido's hand away. "Promise."

"Alright. You joining us then?" Sero wondered.

"Sure. I need the extra training anyway." Kaminari stood up.

"Cool. Let's go then." Kirishima smiled.

For the millionth time, I am so sorry for how long this took, with all the craziness that exploded during this year and my school becoming unorganized I completely lost track of my writing as well as motivation. This probably wasn't worth the wait but I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it.

I hope you're all doing well and are safe during these insane times. I'll see you all next update! :)

~Blue <3

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