Dancing To A Heartbeat - #2

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Warning/s : Mentions of rape

After reporting to the police what happened, the school as well as Kaminari's guardian was notified of what happened. To say that Izumi, Kaminari's guardian, was upset was an understatement. Kaminari was scowled for keeping it from her for a week and not telling anyone sooner, but she was sympathetic about what happened and told Kirishima to thank the class for getting Kaminari to talk to someone.

The school was horrified by the situation, the teachers watched the video and when they called Kaminari in to talk, you could tell their whole deminer had changed. Kaminari told them everything he could while everyone else waited in the classroom, Kirishima pacing in worry. Kaminari had broken down badly in front of Izumi, but Kirishima was there to help calm him down, this time he couldn't be there for the blonde.

Aizawa had come back with Kaminari, sending his student a worried look as he took his seat, tear stains still present on his face. For the rest of the lesson Kirishima held Kaminari's hand under his desk to keep him calm.

Everyone was very careful when it came to Kaminari, he was getting better with contact and would let the girls touch him, it was with the guys that it was hard. None of the boys in the class would touch Kaminari unless he made it clear it was fine. Being that this all happened a couple months ago, Kaminari was doing well, he wouldn't jump when someone made contact with him and he was starting to get some confidence he had losed back, the only big problem was some students finding it funny to mess with Kaminari.

Kaminari was walking to class early during break when the same group that found his phone caught him in the hall. One of them grabbed him from behind and trapped him against the wall, another grabbed Kaminari's neck to hold him still as the blonde was struggling against them. The group laughed and teased him, calling him awful names. Throughout all this Kaminari didn't fight back or use his quirk, not because they were students like him and he didn't want to hurt them, but the last time someone held him down like this his quirk had done nothing to help him, so he found it pointless.

Luckily, Tsuyu had been walking down that hall and had caught them terrorizing her classmate. Running to find a teacher she ran into a few other classmates and told them what was happening, Aizawa happened to be coming from a different direction and heared everything. Getting there before his students could, he got the group off and away from Kaminari, the blonde having a mild panic attack. Kirishima, Todoroki and Uraraka running in as Aizawa broke away the fight.

Kirishima was pissed and tried to get a swing in but was stopped by Aizawa catching his fist, Uraraka then convincing him to leave it and comfort Kaminari instead, which he did. Kaminari calmed down after a few minutes after Aizawa took the group away to Nezu to be punished, the blonde later getting annoyed at most of the class fussing over him after he had said he was fine.

Another thing that needed work was getting Kaminari to go back to the studio, he was always terrified that something would happen if he went, and he had good reason to, but they didn't want him to give up on his hobby because of it. The class had tried everything to convince Kaminari to go with them but nothing worked. Giving up the class went to the studio like they do when everyone was free, but this time, Kirishima had said he couldn't go with them without giving a reason, which confused everyone. Coming into the studio that day, the class was surprised by what they had walked into.

Kirishima and Kaminari where sitting in the studio facing each other, Kaminari having his legs over Kirishima's hips, sitting in between the redhead's legs, but keeping some distance between them. Music was softly playing over the speakers as the two laughed at each other. Kirishima was trying to balance a piece of chocolate on his noise while Kaminari laughed at him, the blonde took the chocolate between his teeth and pulled away, taking it from Kirishima's nose and eating it.

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