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Warning/s: Mentions of torture and trauma.

Deticated to @Lulu_Shitz


It had been three months. Three months of unanswered questions, of worry, of crying, of hoping for the torture to end. Denki Kaminari had gone missing three months ago and no one could get that day out of their minds.

It all started with a worried Kirishima pacing as he waited for Kaminari to respond to his text, the blonde had gone to his parents' for the weekend and was supposed to be back Sunday afternoon; it was five minutes to curfew and he hadn't shown up or contacted anyone in his class. Kirishima had bugged his classmates about raising the alarm, it was only when Kaminari's parents said they hadn't heard from the teen since noon that the search began. The blonde's phone as well as his over night bag was found, the phone screen cracked and full of missed calls and messages. The police had concluded the teen was abducted, and given his connection to UA high and class 1-A, they had reason to believe the League of Villains were involved.

Everyone had noticed the students in 1-A had become less happy and quiet, the disappearance of their classmate had affected them greatly and it became harder to accept the fact the blonde may not come back. It seemed to have affected the Bakusquad the most, especially Kirishima, they were all very close and knew the blonde and redhead had a crush on eachother but never acted on it, making everything harder for them.

Kirishima was no longer happy and barely got any sleep, he seemed to always be distracted and disconnected from the rest of his classmates. They all knew the redhead had taken the search for Kaminari into his own hands, sneaking out at night and looking everywhere he could before coming back to the dorms in the early mornings. Kirishima had been doing this for almost over two months and his classmates had begun to worry, knowing that the redhead would have to give up and accept what happened.

It was a Friday night when the class had called Kirishima into the kitchen to talk, stopping him before he could go out for the night. The redhead was anxious about the conversation ahead, unsure of what was going to happen.

"What's up guys?" Kirishima tried to say happily. None of them had been truely happy for the whole three months, so the redhead's display of a fake tone and smile was seen as normal.

"We just wanted to talk to you." Ashido smiled, also trying to seem cheery.

"About?" Everyone was quiet as they looked to eachother, causing Kirishima's anxiety to rise.

"About the abduction." Iida said quietly. Kirishima felt the colour from his face drain, this was the last thing he wanted to talk about.

"We've been over this, there's nothing to talk about." The redhead immediately dismissed.

"Kiri, please just hear us out." Ashido pleaded. Kirishima made eye contact with the group, showing he was listening.

"Kirishima it's been three months, we think you should stop getting involved in the case and let the police do their jobs. It'll be better for everyone, including you." Yaoyorozu spoke up, careful with her word choice.

"You want me to stop looking for Kaminari." The redhead stated threw gritted teeth.

"Because it's destroying you bro. The police have it covered, you shouldn't go looking for nothing." Sero said in worry for his friend.

"How can you say that?" Kirishima growled out. "The authorities are half - assing it. All they're looking for is a body, they're not even trying to find him alive."

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