The Annoyance of Blind Love - #2

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A seconded part was requested so here you go. Enjoy! : )

"Please say you are! Please say you are!" Ashido bombarded the blonde and redhead in the common room of the dorms.

"Say we're what?" Kaminari raised a blonde brow, putting his phone in his lap. He had been showing Kirishima a funny video when their pink skinned friend attacked them.

"That you guys are finally an item, stupid." Ashido said inpatiently.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" Kirishima looked at her skeptically.

"Um... we may or may not have been trying to get you two together for like, two weeks..." Hakagure said sheepishly.

"Wait so, all those questions and weird conversations..." Kirishima started.

"And excuses to leave us alone together, was all of you trying to get us to date?" Kaminari finished.

"Yeah, pretty much." Sero shrugged.

"Wait, Midoriya you lied? I thought you said it was a bonding exercise?" Kirishima looked to the greenette in slight shock, considering Izuku had never really lied to them before.

"I'm sorry but you two were getting on my nerves, I mean seriously, how many more signs do you need that you both have a thing for eachother?" Izuku half apologised.

"Assholes!" Kaminari threw a cushion at Ashido and Sero, who barely dodged the object. "I told you guys embarrassing shit and you relay it to everyone else?!"

"To be fair we did keep it to ourselves, just used the info for our own, personal gain." Ashido said as she leaned on the coffee table after throwing herself on the floor.

"Doesn't make it any better." Kaminari grumbled.

"What did they ask you that was so embarrassing?" Kirishima questioned, curious as to what questions they tortured the blonde with.

"Nothing." Kaminari squeaked.

"What his type was." Sero answered.

"Yeah. Supermodle looks and a good personality." Ashido continued. 

"Shut up." Kaminari groaned, trying to hide his blush in his hands.

"Really?" Kirishima raised a brow.

"He's also a sub." Jirou snorted from one of the arm chairs.

"Jirou!" Kaminari looked to the girl in bewilderment, mainly because she had said it in front of most of their classmates.

"I mean, I could definitely work with that." Kirishima almost purred, bringing himself closer to the blonde so their noses were almost touching. The redhead had a shit eating grin paired with slitted eyes as he looked at Kaminari, who's face was growing red.

"Nope, not doing this." The blonde said as he got up from the couch, attempting to get away from everyone as fast as possible. "I'm done with all of you."

"Aw, come on Denki." Kirishima called to Kaminari, everyone else laughing.

"No!" The blonde called back.


It had been about a week of the two dating and Kirishima finally talked to Kaminari about going on a date, to which he agreeded, but come to the day of the date the blonde was freaking out. Kayahara was currently sitting on the blonde's bed as he paced, Kaminari wanted help from someone that was less likely to tease him and that happened to be the senior.

"You guys are going to the arcade right? So you only need to wear something casual." Kayahara said as he watched the younger dig threw his closet.

"I still need to look good, and he knows what most of my casual outfits look like." Kaminari complained.

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