The Annoyance of Blind Love

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Dedicated to Analy286.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one annoyed by this." Jirou groaned.

"Annoyed by what?" Yaoyorozu asked the girl.

"The fact Kirishima is stupid and Kaminari is blind." Jirou whined.

"Are you complaining about the fact Kirishima is oblivious to his feelings for Kaminari? Because if so I completely agree." Ashido threw herself on the couch.

Class 1-A were enjoying a relaxing night in the dorms, with most if them in the living area and everyone else scattered around the kitchen and dining area. The two students in question were sitting at one of the many tables messing around instead of studying. They could be seen from the common room talking, laughing, and occasionally throwing pieces of paper at eachother.

"Yeah, we need to do something." Sero sighed. "They're both too stupid to figure it out themselves."

"I don't think its a good idea to mess with others' love life." Yaoyorozu said in worry.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't you the one who insisted on getting involved in mine and Kacchan's love life, Yaoyorozu?" Izuku spoke from his spot against Katsuki's side on the couch. Yaoyorozu was about to retort before closing her mouth and glancing to the side in defeat. "Exactly."

"Ooo~ The struggles of love. You already have a plan, oui?" Aoyama spoke up, addressing Ashido.

"Duh. First, we talk to Kaminari." The pink girl smiled.

As promised, as soon as Kaminari was alone Ashido, Sero and Jirou went to talk to him. They were all in the blonde's room with Sero and Jirou on the floor, Ashido laying on the bed with Kaminari sitting up against the wall.

"He is?!" The two boys said in surprise.

"You didn't know?" Jirou raised a brow.

"Of course we didn't know." Sero exclaimed.

"Well now you know, Midoriya is flexible as hell. He did the splits, then pulled himself into a handstand with he's legs over his head, then put his feet on the ground and stood up. We're pretty sure he does it to tease Bakugou." Ashido smirked.

"Wouldn't surprise us." Kaminari commented.

"Perks of dating someone: making them sexually frustrated." Sero laughed.

"Ok, I would prefer to not picture our classmates in that way thank you." Kaminari scrunch up his face at the thought.

"Please, you wouldn't complain if we were talking about someone you'd rather do it with, and that goes for everyone." Jirou spoke up.

"Oh yeah? And if you were to have someone in mind who would it be smartass." Sero smirked.

"Are you asking who'd I hook up with in the class?"

"Yep. So who would it be?" Sero challenged. Jirou thought for a moment.

"Momo." The purple haired girl shrugged.

"Seriously? You would hook up with Yaoyorozu?"

"Alright then, who would you pick?"

"Probably Hakagure."

"That's surprising, I thought it would be a hard choice considering you drool over every girl." Ashido snickered.

"Ok then, your turn." Sero challenged the other girl.


"Uraraka?" Kaminari questioned.

"Well I can't choose Jirou, she's doing it with Momo." Ashido joked.

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