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Denki Kaminari had dreamed of becoming a Pro Hero for years and had worked very hard for the chance, but that all shattered as he fell to the bathroom floor and was sick. The blonde was shocked to find out he was pregnant, even though he was an Omega and had dated an Alpha, key word being had. Kaminari had been in a slightly toxic relationship with a guy he thought was good (obviously wasn't), and after a not so great talk and forced intercourse the blonde broke up with them. It was only a month after that he found out his ex was the father.

It couldn't have come at a worse time, he was only a couple months into his last year at U.A and there was no way Kaminari could graduate, debut as a Pro and keep the baby, if he wanted to keep it that is. Another problem, he was leaning towards keeping it. Kaminari didn't know why, maybe it was his Omegan instincts, but he just felt he shouldn't give up on the baby.

Of course the electric user had to make a decision, one of the hardest of his life, and he did. Moving out of the dorms long before graduating was not how Kaminari pictured his year, but he knew he couldn't stay. Seeing the blonde's room empty with only a couple boxes was disheartening for everyone, they didn't want to see him go.

"I can't believe this is happening." Kaminari said as he looked around his former room. "I really thought I'd - " He took a breath, feeling tears threatening to fall.

"Hey, c'mon." Ashido hugged the Omega's side. "Its okay. I know its hard, but its not like you're leaving without a plan. You'll get through this."

Kaminari wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder. "I know. Its just scary."

"You won't be alone, we'll be here for you."

"Thanks. You guys are the best."

Leaving school felt like a dramatic change for the blonde, other then the sudden pregnancy. Luckily Kaminari had figured out some-what of a plan, he would work full-time at a café he had already been working part-time at and would finish his education via online schooling, he was hoping he could still work among heros without actually being one, kinda like being a receptionist in an agency. Working at the café actually made it easier for Kaminari to stay in touch with everyone considering they visited regularly, either waiting for the Omega's shift to be over or to study.

Kaminari actually liked working, it kept his mind off of leaving school and the stress of the pregnancy and he still had his friends. Everything was going great, until his ex showed up. It was a normal day with Kirishima and Shinso deciding to hang around the café when they saw the Alpha enter, instantly becoming cautious and keeping a close eye on the male. They knew they couldn't just  go and confront the Alpha, even thought they (Kirishima) wanted to after everything he had said and done, but for the blonde's sake - and the fact they were in a public place - the two decided to leave the male alone unless he did something.

Kaminari had become anxious when he noticed his ex enter but acted professional as to not cause a scene. His shift went well though, having very little interaction with the Alpha, and he could breathe a sigh of relief as he greeted the redhead and Beta; that is until his ex approached. Kaminari's anxiety rose once again at hearing his name from the hated male's lips, turning to face him.

"What do you want Shiota?" The Omega greeted coldly.

"No need to get snappy. I just want to talk." He rolled his eyes, almost seeming annoyed that he was there at all. 

"Last time you 'talked', it didn't end very well. You really want to try your luck again?" Shinso glared.

"Last I check, you weren't there. So stay out of it, Beta." Shiota fired back, matching the student's glare.

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