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Warning/s: sexual content

Kirishima and Kaminari are secretly mates, kind of. They both feel an unexplainable attraction towards eachother, after being friends for two years and going through what they have together, which is odd given that one of them is a Beta and the other an Alpha. While such couples aren't completely uncommon, it's odd to find one were both have a connection comparable to that of an Omega and Alpha couple. However, no matter how strong their attraction maybe, they didn't consider themselves mates, more like they were just dating.

Why are they keeping this a secret you ask? Because they didn't want to cause a fuss; their class was known for being overly supportive when it came to these sorts of things, and they didn't want too much pressure to be put on something they themselves weren't even fully sure of.

Hiding their little affaire was easy, having been friends for a while meant that they were comfortable around each other and they didn't have to be lovey-dovey to know that they liked eachother. It was extra easy because neither of them were marked, there was never a time were the urge greatly occured, given that Betas don't go threw heats and Alphas control their ruts; mostly. Unfortunately there are points threw an Alpha's life where they'll have a couple, uncontrollable ruts which aren't influenced by Omegan pheromones or any form of jealously, and they can happen at anytime with little to no warning.

Of course, that was never thought of, none of the Alphas in the class have ever gone threw a random rut, the only on who had was Katsuki but they were brought on by Izuku's pheromones. So when it does happen to a certain redhead, none of them knew what was going on.

It was a peaceful late afternoon in the dorms with everyone in the common room, some suggesting they should try getting through half a season of American Horror Story while others messed around, throwing cushions or bantering between eachother. Kirishima was on the couch with Izuku on his right laughing at everyone's behaviour, Tsuyu at his feet having a calming conversation with Kota, and Aoyama to his left who was also in a conversation, but with Ashido. Kirishima wanted to fall alseep, it had been a long week of training and classwork and all anyone wanted to do was relax, this being their form of relaxation. Everyone had discarded their ties, most of the girls traded their skirts for loose pants or shorts, and their shirts untucked with a couple buttons undone. As of now they weren't heros in training, they were a normal group of seventeen year olds.

Kirishima closed his eyes and relaxed against the couch, his classmates' voices providing a joy filled atmosphere, their mixed scents a calming one, bringing a small smile across his lips. There was one scent that seemed to standout however, one of citrus and rain that almost circled the Alpha, gaining his attention and bringing him from his sleepy mood. Kirishima developed a sudden urge to be near the owner of the scent, everyone's voices being blocked out so the one creating such an affect on the redhead could only be heard. Kirishima started to become possessive, hating how other scents were mixed with the original, wanting everyone who was contaminating the wonderful aroma to disappear, for only his scent to mix with the citrus and rain. The Alpha's primal instincts begun to kick in and cloud his judgement, he opened his eyes and glanced at the person closes to him.

Izuku felt the change in atmosphere next to Kirishima and could smell his pheromones intensify, the hidden message sending alarms off in the greenette's head. Catching the redhead's eyes on him, Izuku tensed and growled, loud and in warning. Kirishima growled back just as threateningly, everyone close moving away out of shock as the Omega pushed himself against the arm of the couch, as far from the Alpha as possible.

As an Omega, Izuku was biologically programed to be able to sense when an Alpha is going into or is in rut, so he would be able to protect himself. Ruts are similar to heats, where the Alpha's primal side takes over and, if not already mated, are know to go after Omegas if they're too close, if there were no Omegas around they would attempt to hide out during their episode. Kirishima was, in this moment, no longer a friend but a threat.

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