Dancing To A Heartbeat - #3

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Warning/s : Mentions of rape

Class 1-A was as loud as ever as they waited for Aizawa who was late, again. It was a couple days after the training insedent, Kaminari hadn't come to school since so he could cope with what happened mentally. The class would see him at the studio sometimes but Kirishima always visits after school to give him homework or to just hang out.

Kirishima decided to take his phone out and give Kaminari a call to see how he was, he was going to visit in about six hours, but he just wanted to check on him. The phone rung for a few seconds before ceasing as Kaminari answered, Kirishima was facing timing him so he could see the blonde. Kaminari smiled when he saw who had called him, Kirishima mirrored his smile.

"Hey Eijirou." Kaminari smiled.

"Hey Denki, how's it going?" Kirishima gave him a toothy grin.

"Alright. Aren't you in class?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah, Aizawa isn't here yet, so I decided to call you." The spiky haired teen shrugged.

"Kiri, how many times do I have to tell you I'm fine before you believe me? I'm ok so stop worrying." Kaminari rolled his eyes but smiled none the less. Before Kirishima could reply, the class had now become quiet and a few classmates wanted to say hello to Kaminari themselves.

"Hey Kaminari!" Sero, Ashido, Hakagure, Uraraka, Sato and Jirou yelled in unison at the phone, almost pushing Kirishima off his chair.

"Hey everyone." Kaminari laughed at them.

"Would you fuckers shut up!" Kastuki yelled at the loud teens.

"Hey Bakugou." Kaminari greeted, earning a grunt and a mocked salute from the ash blonde.

"Denki can you turn your volume down at least." Izumi could be heard in the background.

"Sorry." Kaminari replied sheepishly. "Oh, Izumi says hi by the way."

"Hey!" This time most of the classed yelled in reply, Kirishima regretted face timing Kaminari. As the blonde was being bombarded with questions, Aizawa entered the room, clearing his throat to get his students' attention. They all went to their seats and left Kirishima in view of Aizawa with his phone out.

"Kirishima, put it away." Their teacher said in his usual bored tone.

"You have to go?" Kaminari raised a brow, Aizawa was slightly surprised to hear Kaminari's voice through the phone.

"Yeah, I've kinda been caught." Kirishima rubbed his neck.

"Rap it up, but I want it away in three minutes." Aizawa sighed before sitting at his desk. Kirishima took the phone off video and switch to just talking to Kaminari normally.

"Anyway. I'm allowed to worry, besides, this time's different. I'm not going to be there and this is a big deal, I just want to make sure you're prepared." Kirishima responded to the earlier question. It was silent on the other end until Kaminari sighed.

"I know, I wish you were going to be there. Honestly, I'm scared Eijiro, but I have to do this."

Kaminari was going to court to settle what happened, meaning he had to be in the same room as Toshiba. Kaminari had to be prepared to answer questions in front of the court while having Toshiba's eyes on him, it was an unsettling thought. Him and Izumi were heading to the court when Kirishima called, if anything it was good timing.

"I know. Try not to stress too much alright? I'm sure everything with work out." Kirishima reasured.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks Kiri." Kaminari said.

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