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The only reason I chose the picture at the top was because it's dragon Kirishima and it's cute. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Analy286, thanks again for an amazing request! :)

Kaminari held in a yelp as he slid down a slop of uneven ground and rocks, his whole body throbbing in pain as blood poured from the multitude of wounds covering him, the worst being on the his leg. The gash was on the side of the blonde's right leg, going down from just above his ankle to half way towards his knee. The wound was larger than the others and was probably deeper too, however all the adrenaline was stopping him from assessing the full severity of the injury.

Kaminari held his breath the best he could, waiting for his assailants to hopefully bypass the small, not so steep cliff next to the road. When he was sure they were no longer following him, the blonde released a large sigh of relief. Unfortunately the adrenaline was beginning to wear off, spikes of pain begun shooting up his leg as well as throughout his body, he wasn't even sure he could move the limb. Denki begun breathing heavily as he attempted to shift his body up the cliff a fraction, his muscles spasming in protest.

The rustling of foliage and a deep, spine chilling growl made Kaminari freeze, his heavy breathing turning into shallow breaths as he started to hyperventilate. Glowing golden eyes appeared in front of the blonde, coming closer until he could see a large, crimson scaled head filled with razor sharp teeth.

Kaminari wanted to move, to run, but those intimidating glowing orbs held him in place as the terrifying creature approached. Denki's body went numb as the dragon stopped right in front of him, it's hot breath fanning his face. The world begun to blur as his hand twitched towards the knife in his belt, knowing very well it wouldn't do any good against a dragon but wanting some form of protection. Before he could even touch the hilt, Kaminari completely blacked out, his body going limp against the rocks.


His eyes felt heavy, as if his mind was refusing to wake up and his body to respond. Everything, strangely enough, felt peaceful. Despite this, Denki still forced himself to slowly open his eyes and take in his surroundings. It took a bit for it to regester that he was in a cave, but once it did everything started rushing back; the ditch, the glowing eyes, the dragon - everything.

In a panic, Kaminari pushed himself up into a standing position; tried to at least. The injury to his leg was still present, causing him to stumble and slip. This didn't deter the blonde however, using the support of the cave wall Denki begun to move himself towards the opening, and for someone who was injured he was making really good progress. That was until someone decided to make themselves known.

"Whoa - hang on a second!"

Losing concentration, Kaminari's legs gave out causing him to land on his injury and the wound to throb. He yelped and clutched his leg as the other person approached and attempted to pull him up from the ground.

"Here, let me just -"

"Get off me!"

Denki roughly pushed the stranger away, leaning his back against the wall for support while putting all his weight on his left leg as to not agitate the right further. The stranger backed up with the shove, holding his hands up in surrender. With the space between them, Kaminari could actually get a proper look at the mystery man. He had fiery red hair spiked up, for what reason the blond didn't know, and wine colored eyes. He was dressed in grey, what was possibly previously white, pants with a tattered red fabric held at the hips by a belt. Lastly, the muscular male wore calf high black boots, seemingly worn over the years, and an orange stripped tattered scarf loosely hung around his broad shoulders and neck.

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