Meeting The Heroes!

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Chapter two

Boboiboy's POV

I'll tell you one thing... Having fans are a pain, They would chase you everywhere you go. As I landed on earth from TAPOPS, fans were already crowded in the area.

"*sighs* If I only had a power to brainwash them..." I told myself.

My space ship was going to land on Pulua Rintis, since I was going to visit Tok Aba. Tok Aba is my Grandfather, I moved in with him since... I ran away from home. I looked outside the ship's window and saw people with pens, magazines... probably the ones where I'm seen, and some of them wore shirts that had me imprinted in it. I sighed, "Another tough day..." I thought.

"Boboiboy!, We're landing in one minute."

I turned around and saw my best friend Gopal approaching me. With him was a purple spiky-haired boy,

"Hey Gopal! Did you already pack?" I asked him

"Of course I did, Fang helped me!" Gopal told me while pointing to the purple spiky-haired boy.

"Hey Fang!" I greeted him

"Hey..." He replied

"Geez... at least act excited." Gopal told Fang

"Whatever..." Fang said while giving a cold stare

"*Sweat drop* Well, I'm happy you guys are bonding." I told them

Fang looked at Gopal and chuckled,

"As if I would bond with him." Fang told coldly

"Hey!" Gopal objected

I laughed,

"What's so funny? huh?!" Fang asked obviously irritated

"You guys didn't change at all..." I told while trying to hold my laughter.

"Ey! So did you!" Gopal told me

"I know..." I told them smiling

We all smiled, ("Yes even Fang did") "We have arrived on Pulua Rintis..."  a voice announced

"All right! Let's go!" I told them grabbing my bag.

Fang and Gopal grabbed their bags and followed me.

As we went out of the ship our fans started cheering and raising some "Welcome back heroes" Posters. Gopal and I smiled and waved at them, While Fang ignored them.

I nudged Fang with my elbow,

"Ey! Fang be nice!" I whispered

Fang glared at me, "Fine..." He whispered back

Fang made a fake smile and waved at our fans, Gopal whispered to me "He's finally listening to us."

"Yeah." I agreed

We laughed and continued to smile and wave at the people gathered. Suddenly people surrounded me and asked for autographs. "Guys help!" I screamed at Fang and Gopal who were watching me. "Oh come on guys!" I thought

Yaya's POV

As we arrived a huge crowd were already gathered, "Hmm.. Boboiboy must already be here..." I thought

"Come on Yaya!" Ying said running towards the crowd.

I ran after Ying, Ying was a fast runner it was hard to keep up with her.  "Ying could you slow down?" I asked her panting

"Yaya he might leave any minute!" Ying told me while continued running. "Geez... It's not like he's going to disappear!" I told Ying.

She looked at me but she was still continuing running.

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