The Past (4)

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Chapter 9

Quake's POV

My head was flooded with thoughts, I kept thinking and thinking of a plan. My first plan was a failure, I didn't expect that there were more of them. I'm also worried about my counterparts, Thunderstorm and Cyclone haven't responded to my calls. Something must of happened to them, they would always answer if I called. What if... they were kidnapped... even worse killed! .... Stop! Don't think like that! You need to keep calm... they can handle themselves if something did happen.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Slowly I felt myself calm down.

"I need to think of a plan..." I mutter.

I look beside me, Yaya was sleeping. She was laying down on my shoulder, she was intriguing alright... She looks like sleeping beauty except for the fact she had brown hair. I guess she was one of the things that could help me keep calm right now.

I sighed, "Let's think of a plan..."

*Few minutes of planning later*

(Author: That's specific... Oh yeah I wrote this.)

All of my plans that I thought, they all had some unacceptable flaws.I felt like my head was going to explode, I took a sharp breath.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "This is harder than I thought.."

Suddenly I felt another hand on mine, I glance at Yaya. She was awake, she looked at me obviously she was concerned.

I smiled, "Sorry, did I wake you?"

She shook her head, "No..."

I smile at her, "Are you done resting?"

She nods, "Um... are you okay?"

I look at her and gave her a smile.

"Of course I am... I'm just worried about my counterparts."

"You're counterparts?" she asks me

"We split into three while you were gone."

"So does that mean you're Quake?" Yaya asks me

"That's correct." I told her

"No wonder you have bright yellow eyes." She states

"How did you know?" I ask her

She looks at me nervously, "I... um... Watch you on Youtube and some fan pages..."

(Author: Really Yaya? Really?)

I barely heard the last part, she kinda turned it into a whisper instead. So I couldn't hear it properly.

"I'm in Youtube?" I ask her in disbelief

"Yeah.... You're popular." she said

"Huh... So people could watch me over and over again... Scary." I told her. She nods

"At least you're not watching me all the time." I continue to say

Yaya turns red, "Y-yeah."

Hmm... Why did she turn red? Could it be? ..... She does?! No way...

(Author: Yes way.)

I lean closer to her, "Yaya... Could it be... You're always watching my videos?"

She was obviously surprised, "N-no!"

I lean even more closer and smirked, "You do~ Don't you~?"

Yaya turned as red as a tomato, "I-i"

I moved away and started to laugh, "Don't worry, I was just teasing you. I know you don't watch me all the time! That would be awkward."

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