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Chapter 3

Fang's POV

As I harshly dragged Boboiboy with me to the streets, I let go of him when we were out of the girls' sight.

"Eesh! You're so Stupid!" I told Boboiboy

"Eh? Why?" Boboiboy asked innocently

"Don't play dumb! You just called me and Ying a quarreling couple!" I exclaimed

"It was only an expression. Don't take it so seriously..." Boboiboy told me

"I know!" I replied

"Well Fang, I gotta go..." Boboiboy informed me

"Yeah bye..." I told him not meeting him in the eye.

When Boboiboy left, I walked away in the opposite direction.

As I entered a few streets, some of the houses were familiar.

"Where was it again?" I muttered.

"You again?!"

I looked behind me and saw the pigtail girl named Ying with her friend in the pink hijab.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Correction spiky head, What are we doing here..." Ying corrected me.

"We?" I asked dumbfounded

"Duh! Me and Yaya, Who else?!" Ying told me

"Right... She was talking about the two of them... not me and her..." I thought

"I know... Idiotic Pigtails." I told Ying coldly

"Uh! You're so annoying! Let's go Yaya!" Ying said obliviously annoyed by me.

"Okay..." Yaya looked at me and mouthed "Where's Boboiboy?".

I mouthed back "I don't know... Why do you wanna know?"

Yaya blushed a tint of pink and quickly caught up with Ying.

"Hmm... Does she like Boboiboy?" I thought

For some reason my gaze transferred to Ying who was now pouting and stomping away. I unconsciously did a tiny smile, I quickly realized and removed the tiny smile. "Eh? Why am I smiling?"

I stared at Ying as she left, Ying was about to turn through the corner but then she turned around and saw me staring at her.

"Fu-" I almost cursed

"What are you staring at huh?!" Ying shouted

"Nothing! Stupid Pigtails!" I looked away and continued walking away.

"Eesh! He's the one, that's stupid here." I heard Ying say.

I stole a glance and saw Ying with puffed cheeks. "So... She can be cute..." I thought before I disappeared into a small dark street way. As I walked through the streets, I stopped at the sight of a abandoned mansion. "Finally back..." I said

Third Person POV

As Ying furiously walked away, Yaya followed her friend.

"Stupid Spike-headed Jerk..." Ying muttered to herself.

Yaya could only sigh, Her short tempered friend can get to a lot of fights. Ying on the other hand was really pissed at Fang,

"Calling me stupid?! Hah as if! If I'm stupid then he's a jerk!" Ying thought as a park was in view. Ying and Yaya walked towards a store that had the name "Tok Aba's Kokotaim".

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