The Past (2)

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Chapter Seven


Cyclone entered the barn, He saw no sign of Yaya...  He looked and looked but he still couldn't spot her. He checked every hiding spots, sadly there was still no sign of Yaya anywhere. There was a sudden scream "Ah!", the voice belonged to Yaya. Knowing Yaya might be in danger, Cyclone rushed to find the voice. He saw a broken door, In front was a pink piece of cloth.

"Yaya.... Oh no!" Cyclone thought

He entered the small room, He saw a dreadful sight. Yaya was being held hostage by a very muscular man.

"Ah, I finally got you brat!" the man said crushing Yaya's hand.

Yaya screamed in pain, the man just did a wicked grin.  Cyclone was usually filled with cheerfulness and happiness but now all he felt was fury and hatred.

"Now I now what Thunderstorm feels like..." Cyclone muttered to himself.

"Cyclone hover-board!" He summoned a hover board that matched his clothes.

"Hey You!" Cyclone called the muscular man

Both Yaya and the man was surprised,

"Boboiboy! Get out of here! He has a-" Yaya was thrown to the wall.

"Shut it brat!" The man silenced her

Yaya groaned in pain, "Can this get any worse?" Yaya thought.

"How dare you?!" Cyclone said

"Come here kid! If you don't I'll do it the hard way!" The man commanded Cyclone.

Cyclone ignored the man's threat, He felt too angry to listen.

"You'll pay for what you did to Yaya!" Cyclone attacked,

"Huh? This kid has powers?!" the man was shocked.

The man quickly clicked a small box, the box turned into a huge hammer. Cyclone unable to predict this was not able to stop, the man swung it towards Cyclone.

"Earth Barrier!"

In a nick of time a wall of earth blocked the hammer, a cloud of dust covered the area. Cyclone coughed but then he was grabbed by Thunderstorm, They dashed out of the barn.

"Wait! What about Yaya?" Cyclone struggled to get off Thunderstorm's grip on his collar.

Thunderstorm sighed, "Quake can take care of her...."

"Where's Quake?" Cyclone asked

"We got separated..." Thunderstorm answered

"You got separated?! How are going to find them?! We might lose our memories again! Aaaaah!" Cyclone panicked

"Shut up! We already had a plan..." Thunderstorm told Cyclone hoping to shut him up.


"Just follow me..." Thunderstorm instructed

"Okay!" Cyclone had said cheerfully

"Okay... He's back to his old self... Good..." Thunderstorm muttered

"What was that?" Cyclone asked

"Nothing, let's just go!"

The two Boboiboy(s) walked, not knowing a small robot was watching them. The robot silently flew after them, What does it do?


Quake was panting, Yaya was in his arms. She was unconscious, probably because of the painful impact of the throw. A voice shouted,

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