Heroes On School Campus

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Chapter 11

Third Person POV

Yaya was lying down on her bed, blankly staring at her ceiling. Her eyes threatening to close, she was sleepy. Yaya glances at the clock, it was 10:34 pm. She closes her eyes, and was quick into sleep.


~Time Skip~


Yaya was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock, she sits up. Yaya looks at the clock , it was 5:30. She was still sleepy, but she knew that she had to go to school. She forces herself out of bed, and heads for the bathroom.

*Few Minutes Later*

Yaya was dressed in her school uniform, her hair still loose. Yaya combs her brown hair, as she hums a song. Interrupting her was a knock, she wears her hijab and starts heading towards the door. Yaya opens the door, only to be greeted by a hug. It was her brother Totoitoy, he was smiling.

"Hey sis, you're up early!" Totoitoy said as he let's go of the hug.

Yaya gave him a warm smile, "Since I have school today, I have to get there early."

"Oh... Okay! Breakfast is ready! Mommy told me so." Totoitoy tells her.

With that the two head downstairs, only to be surprised by an unexpected guest. Their parents were talking to a boy, as they went closer. Yaya's eyes widen, It was Boboiboy...

"Is that all? I'll be going then..." Boboiboy told the two adults while standing up.

"Thank you for your time Boboiboy." Yaya's mother thanked him.

Boboiboy smiles, then he begins to leave. On the way out he sees Yaya and Totoitoy, Boboiboy smiles at them before exiting. When he left Yaya let out the breath that she didn't know she was holding, while Totoitoy was jumping gleefully.

"Boboiboy smiled at us! That's freaking amazing! I gotta tell my friends!" Totoitoy exclaims.

Yaya smiles, Totoitoy was also a huge fan of the hero. In fact, the two of them would always watch his videos together (Don't tell Boboiboy guys).

"Come on Totoitoy, we have to eat breakfast..." Yaya tells her younger brother.

Totoitoy nods enthusiastically, then he runs towards their parents.

*Few Minutes Later*

Yaya carries her bag and starts to leave, she stops when she was in the middle of the doorway.

"Bye Mom and Dad! I'll be going to school now!" She yells.

"Bye Sweetie, have fun in school!" Yaya hears her mother yell back.

Yaya smiles, "Thanks Mom!"

She closes the door behind her, then she sighs. When Yaya looks up, she could see a familiar Chinese looking girl.

"Hey Ying!" Yaya greets her friend.

"Hey!" She responds.

"Let's go?" Yaya said.


The two girls enter a white car, while giggling. The two girls were chatting, until Yaya asked Ying a question.

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