An Unacceptable Answer

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Chapter 5

Yaya's POV

Well I don't know what to feel right now... should I be happy or nervous? I mean the really really popular hero "Boboiboy" is going to be my bodyguard... What could go wrong? What am I thinking?! Of course there's a lot of things that could go wrong!

We were sitting on the couch downstairs in Tok Aba's living room. Boboiboy was currently explaining what happened,

"Okay when I went back here from Tok Aba, I saw a man waiting outside of the house. I asked him if he's looking for some one... He told me that he was waiting for me." Boboiboy told us.

"So he was Yaya's dad?" Gopal asked scratching his head as if it wasn't obvious. "Of course he is!" Ying told Gopal.

"Hehehe" Gopal chuckled.

"Eesh! Let him continue!" Boboiboy's sister told them


Boboiboy sighed then smiled afterwards, "And that's when he told me to be a bodyguard for his daughter Yaya..."

Boboiboy looked at me with a pained expression, then he looked away. "Well I accepted it..." Boboiboy finished.

"See you're too kind! People take advantage of that!" Boboiboy's sister scolded Boboiboy.

Boboiboy just ignored his sister and asked "So what brings you guys here?"

"Well~ We just have a little question for you..." Ying answered

"Sure! What is it?" Boboiboy enthusiastically asked then having a drink from a cup.

"Have you met Yaya before?" Gopal asked.

Boboiboy was shocked, His cap covered his eyes and his hand started shake making the water in the cup to spill a tiny bit.

Boboiboy didn't answer, realizing what was happening his sister quickly took action. She removed the cup from his hands and placed it on the table, Then she grabbed Boboiboy towards his room. When they left We all exchanged looks.

"Umm did any of you get what happened?" Gopal asked.

"Nope!" Ying answered

"Why was his reaction like that?" I asked them.

"Perhaps he hates you?" Fang concluded

"He hates me?!" I screamed. I felt like a hammer smash my heart, I mean the hero that I have admired (thanks to Ying) hates me?

"You stupid spiky-head!" Ying told Fang while her hands clenched.

"What did I do?!" Fang asked

"You would really think that Boboiboy would hate my best friend!" Ying told him.

"I said Perhaps!" Fang defended himself

Ying and Fang glared at each other, making Gopal sigh.

"tsk tsk tsk This two couple don't know when to stop arguing..." Gopal muttered.

"What did you say?! Gopal?!" Fang and Ying said at the exact time. Gopal was cowering while Fang and Ying had a scary aura that seemed to be showing blazing flames. I couldn't help but giggle, "They seem to have something in common" I thought.

But it all ended when we heard a voice shout,

"You need to move on!"

Every one went quiet; they realized who it is, It was Boboiboy and his sister.

"I-i just can't okay?!"


"I... I don't know!"

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