A Shocking News...

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Chapter 4

Third Person POV

Everything was silent, all they could hear was the howling of the wind and the rustling of the trees' branches.

"Oh yeah.... I think he mentioned you...." Gopal said breaking the silence.

"Eh? When?" Yaya asked

"I'm just not sure if it is you...." Gopal told Yaya

"Really? What did he say?" Ying asked

"Well we were in our room, I was bored so I asked him if there was a specific person he really wanted to protect..." Gopal started.

"And?" Fang asked

"He said... There was a girl... who he promised to protect..." Gopal continued.

"Are you sure it was me? I never met Boboiboy before..." Yaya told them.

"Well He said her name was Yaya Yah..." Gopal told them before going silent.

"....... That is my name.... But... How could he have promised to me if we haven't met?" Yaya exclaimed

"Eesh! Boboiboy must be having his memory problems again." Gopal said

"Ey Gopal! That only happens when he uses his Triple split for a long time." Ochobot told Gopal

"Also he forgets things not make up things! You idiot!" Fang added.

Gopal chuckled "Hehehehehe Sorry..."

"Eesh!" Fang said

"Hmm... Perhaps Yaya had an accident where in she forgot?" Tok Aba suggested.

"But Tok Aba, the last accident I had was when I was 14 years old.. And I remember it clearly." Yaya informed Tok Aba.

"Are you sure?" Tok Aba asked Yaya while giving a special hot chocolate to Gopal.

"Yey!" Gopal said cheerfully

As Gopal drank his hot chocolate, a purple robot was listening to their conversation.

"Hmm... I better tell Mister Boss!" The robot said

The purple robot left and headed to a junk yard, Where in the robot had entered a space ship that was there.

"Mister Boss! Mister Boss!" The purple robot said over and over until he entered a room where a green box-headed alien was seating.

"What is it Probe?" The box-headed alien asked the robot named Probe.

"Mister Boss! I've got some news for you!" Probe told the box-headed alien.

"Hmm... What is it?" the box-headed alien asked

"Boboiboy has a girlfriend! If we capture her, Boboiboy might give us Ochobot!" Probe told the box-headed alien.

"Excellent Probe, Excellent.." The box-headed alien said patting Probe.

(Author: Bruh... Probe got it all wrong...)


"Are you sure?" Tok Aba asked Yaya once again.

"Yes Tok Aba, I'm pretty sure..." Yaya answered more unsure now.

Tok Aba went silent and continued serving some hot chocolate to the customers.

"Tok Aba do you know something?" Ochobot asked

Tok Aba didn't answer, "Tok Aba?" Yaya called out.

Tok Aba sighed, "If you want to know... Go ask Boboiboy himself...."

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