New Enemies?

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Chapter 10

Third Person POV

Boboiboy's eyes widen when heard an explosion, he wipes his tears. He looks outside, only to see a square headed alien and a purple robot. Boboiboy was annoyed, they plan to attack him when he was having a bad mood.

"What do you want Adudu and Probe?!" He asks them furiously.

"Boboiboy! Give us Ochobot! Or Your Girlfriend pays the price!" Adudu said

"Girlfriend ? Huh?" Boboiboy thought.

Adudu signals Probe to show him, the alien cackles. The girl trap in Probe's grasp was none other than Yaya, she was unconscious.

Boboiboy grew furious, "Let her go!"

Adudu smirks, "Give us Ochobot!"


"Probe, crush her!" Adudu commands.

Probe tightens his grip, even though Yaya was unconscious, her expression showed that she was in pain. Boboiboy immediately jumps out of his window, and lands on the ground below. Of course it was painful, but he ignores it. His precious 'Yaya' was in trouble, he didn't want her to be in pain again.

"Surrender now, Boboiboy!" Adudu yells.

Ignoring Adudu, Boboiboy runs towards them. While approaching them, he yells.

"Boboiboy Thunderstorm!"

With that, his clothes became red and black. He charges towards them, with a furious expression.

"Probe Attack!" Adudu shouts.

"Yes Mister Boss!" Probe drops Yaya down the ground and attacks Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm snickers, he disappears in a flash.


Thunderstorm reappears behind them, "This is what you get for hurting Yaya!"

"Probe stop him!" Adudu said.

Unfortunately, they were too late; Thunderstorm was too fast.

"Thunder Strike!"

A huge thunder came out of the sky, striking Adudu and Probe. A strong gush of wind came, it made the trees around them's branches fly. A cloud of dust fog the area, which made anyone in the area unable to see.


Ying's POV

*Few Minutes Earlier*

I was walking home with Fang, we didn't tell each other a single word. All I could hear was the soft howl of the wind and the sounds of the crickets. I look above at the stars, they were twinkling as usual. Most people enjoy the stars, stargazing is what they usually do. Especially if it's for family bonding and romantic dates, not that I want it to be on a date with Fang. But I couldn't help but wonder, are there people who cry under these beautiful stars?

(Author: Oh, do you mean Boboiboy?)

Interrupting my thoughts, Fang had asked me a question.

"What do you think of the stars?" He asks me.

Well that was random...

I shrug, "I don't know..."

Fang looks at me with his beautiful red eyes staring directly at me, he then immediately looks away.

"Well, I think... they're beautiful tonight..." Fang said.

"Yeah, they kinda are..." I agree with him.

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