The Past (3)

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Chapter 8

Thunderstorm's POV

I was able to drag er... I meant bring Cyclone to the planned meeting place. We were sitting on the grass, Cyclone was getting paranoid. "Let's go play! I'm bored!" he kept whining. I on the other hand was getting irritated by him. He kept on complaining and complaining, if he's not he's doing something annoying.

"Hey Thunderstorm, can't we just look for him? He's taking too long..." Cyclone whined

"Quake told us he'll meet us here!" I told him

"What if something happened to him?" He asked me

I kept silent, "He is taking too long than expected..." I thought.

Cyclone was poking me, "Earth to Thunderstorm? Hellooo?"

"Quit it!" I shouted

He immediately stops and lays down on the grass.

"Do you think something happened?" he asked me one more time.

I looked up to the sky, "Maybe we should go look for him..."

Cyclone sat up, "You're serious?"

"When am I not?" I asked him

(Author: 😒)

Cyclone smiled and stood up, "Your going to be the one to explain this to Quake."

I rolled my eyes, "I can handle him."

"Right..." Cyclone said

"Do you want to fight huh?!" I said summoning a thunder blade (IDK what's it called).

"You two shouldn't fight!"

I saw Cyclone grin, he pointed behind me.


I turned around and saw Quake, he was perfectly fine.


Cyclone hugs him while I made a poker face, he pats Cyclone's head. "Where's Yaya?" I ask him

"I placed her somewhere safer..." He answers

"And where is that?"

Quake did a tiny smile, "Follow me." he signals us to follow.

We were walking, we had entered the fields again. Everything was silent, all we could hear was the howling of the wind and the rustling of the fields of grass. Quake was silently walking, Cyclone was humming a familiar song. I on the other hand was keeping an eye out for enemies. We were in silence (besides Cyclone), until Cyclone broke it.

"So Quake, Was the man strong?" Cyclone asked

Quake smirked, "He was as weak as a bug."

My eyes widened as he said those words. Quake was acting unusual, he never acted like that before. As far as I know, our Quake was sweet, caring and nice even to our enemies (Okay maybe not all of them...).

I looked at Cyclone, he also seemed to have the same thought. Quake on the other hand was walking away. I approached Cyclone,

"Something's not right..." I whispered to him as we followed Quake.

"Maybe he's changing? Gopal told me change can happen so fast." Cyclone whispered back.

"And you're listening to him?" I asked him

Cyclone frowned, "Hey, Sometimes he's also right."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Just keep an eye out in case Quake does something suspicious."

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