I Will Protect You

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Chapter 12

Third Person POV

Yaya was walking alone in the hallways, checking on every class, it was her duty after all. While walking, she could feel a couple of glares, not that it was unusual for her. Her fellow students were always envious of her, because of all the awards she won, but this time it had gotten worse. Yaya would receive twice the glares she usually had, all because of Boboiboy, his fans were always giving her 'death' glares. Yaya sighs, how come things had gotten worse for her? She stops in tracks when she sees a group of girls in the hallway, the girls were leaning against the wall, talking to each other. Yaya raises a brow, class had already begun 5 minutes ago, those girls should be in class. Yaya immediately walks towards them, which made the girls whisper with each other. Yaya stops in front of them, she confidently smiles at them.

"Excuse me, but aren't you supposed to be in class? Please go immediately, or I will report you." Yaya tells the girls.

"Excuse me, but aren't you supposed to be in class? Please go immediately, or I will report you..." One of the girls imitates her in a mocking way.

The other girls laugh, they found their friend's imitation hilarious. Yaya on the other hand, was definitely not amused, she was annoyed.

"Can I have your IDs?" Yaya tried her best to ask politely.

The girls look at each other before handing their IDs to her, not expecting Yaya to do anything. Once Yaya had received all of their IDs, she smiles at them.

"See you in the principal's office!"

With that Yaya began to walk away, with an amused smirk plastered on her face. Meanwhile, the girls had their mouths wide open, they had not expect that to happen.


~Le Magical Time Skip~


Boboiboy glances at the empty seat beside him, he couldn't help but sigh in disappointment. He was so close to her, yet, he couldn't have a conversation with her. Boboiboy puts his attention back to their professor, who was discussing in front. Unfortunately for him, the topic they were learning, was something he had already learned. This resulted to him being bored, usually he would secretly stare at the dazzling beauty beside him, but sadly she wasn't there. Boboiboy turns his attention to the door, waiting for you-know-who to come in. After a few minutes, he looks away, giving up the hope of her entering the door. Boboiboy sighs, before turning his attention back to the discussion.

*Few Minutes Later*

"All right, make sure to study for the test tomorrow, I can guarantee you that it's very difficult." The professor tells them.

Boboiboy looks behind him, he could see Ying's eyes shimmering with joy.

"*sweat drop* I bet she's the only one happy..." Boboiboy mutters.

He then looks at Gopal, who was groaning, he was pretty sure, that his friend wasn't as happy as Ying. His gaze transfers to Fang, who as usual, had an unreadable expression. Boboiboy hears the door open, almost instantly, he looks to see who had caused the sound. It was none other than Yaya, she was silently walking towards her seat, which was beside Boboiboy. He smiles at her, which she happily smiles back, ignoring the glares and stares her classmates were giving the two.

The professor clears his throat, "As I was saying, don't be afraid to ask help from us teachers or from your classmates. You are dismissed!"

When the professor left the classroom, the students began to surround the three heroes again, asking them numerous questions.

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