Officially Friends

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Chapter 13

Third Person POV

Yaya stares at him, heat slowly rising to her cheeks, a pink blush forming. She didn't know how to react, after all it seemed too good to be true that her 'celebrity crush' told her that. She blinks a couple of times, before finally cooling herself down. Boboiboy looks at her, waiting for some sort of response.

"T-thanks... I guess?"

Boboiboy tilts his head, looking at her questionably. He was confused, What was she thanking him for? He flashes a smile at her anyway, "No need to thank me, It's my job as your bodyguard after all."

Yaya nervously smiles at him, "R-right, because your my bodyguard..."

"Is something wrong?" He asks her.

"Huh? Oh no, it's just... never mind." Yaya waves her hand, dismissing the conversation.

Boboiboy just looks at her, before he sighs. "I know it's a lot to take in, you know... me being your bodyguard..." He rubs his nape nervously, before looking at her with hope glittering his eyes. "But... maybe we can be more than that?"

Yaya widen her eyes, "You mean..."

He smiles at her, "Yeah, I want to be friends with you..."

She looks at him with disbelief, how could someone like him, want to be friends with someone like her? Yaya's lips curl into a smile, she beams a smile at him. "Sure, we can be friends..."

He too then smiles, he felt happy to 'regain' his friendship with her. Boboiboy reaches out a hand, making Yaya look at it confusingly. He chuckles at her, before saying "Friends?"

Yaya gazes at him, before her gaze transfers to his hand. Her smile widens, as she looks at him in the eye.


The two shook hands, both were smiling widely. It was official, they were now friends.


~Time Skip~


Cheerfully walking home, were the two 'friends'. Both were walking casually, as they headed towards Tok Aba's Kokotiam. Boboiboy had been telling Yaya, all about his adventures in the galaxies, which Yaya found interesting. The two had been talking nonstop, as they walk alongside each other. Finally they were nearing their destination, where their other friends await. When they were finally near Tok Aba's Kokotiam, the two spot their three friends talking to each other. First to notice the two approaching was Ying, she smirks at the sight of the two walking side by side. She taps Gopal's shoulder, which caused him to turn towards her, giving her a questioning look. Ying points at Boboiboy and Yaya, who were walking towards them. Gopal too then smirks, watching the two sit down.

"So Boboiboy, This was the 'important' business you have to attend to!" Gopal exclaims, in a rather teasing matter.

Boboiboy rolls his eyes, "For your information, Yaya is important! Also, I was right to go find her."

"What do you mean?" Ying asks.

"Some girls tried to hurt Yaya..." Boboiboy simply answers.

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