30: Please and Thank You

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Emi's POV

"Invincible? What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I mean what I just said. She can't be killed, by any normal means, that is." the white haired girl sighs. "Yuni was born a little different from the rest of us. She's special. The only one who can kill her is-"

"Rinya~" I look up and see Yuni entering the room, carrying a duffel bag. "Oh! Emi-chan's awake," she smiles. "What were you talking about?" The girl freezes and gives me a cold stare. "Nothing onee-chan,"

"You sure? Hm, well I guess it doesn't matter," Yuni shrugs. "Anyways, I brought you some new clothes and stuff Rin,"

The girl grabs the bag and pulls out a white top, black skirt, and what looks like a box of blue contact lenses.

"No peeking Emi-chan," Yuni says, covering my eyes with her hand. A few minutes later she moves her hand and I see the girl has changed, and her eyes are now blue.

 A few minutes later she moves her hand and I see the girl has changed, and her eyes are now blue

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"Why the disguise?" I mumble.

"Can't have anyone knowing I'm a moon neko," she says, rolling her eyes. "Not the brightest, are you?"

I say nothing and let my back slump in the chair. I'm exhausted, and I all I want to do is sleep. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen.

"Anyways, how was your date sis?" Rinya asks.

Yuni frowns. "Not terrific, to be honest. There's a new complication I'll have to deal with at a later date." Her voice descends lower as she speaks, into a slight growl.

"I could take care of it for you," Rinya says.

Suddenly Yuni smiles. "No. Thank you for the offer little sis but I'll do it myself," she replies, ruffling Rinya's hair. "You really are adorable,"

"Ahh! Baka!" the girl whines. "Don't pat my head!"

Yuni giggles and shoves the white-haired girl's shoulders. "Now, Rin, now that I got you your stuff and everything, why don't you go take a walk around? You've been cooped up in here for a while," sh smiles at Rinya. She starts walking towards me, but doesn't make eye contact. "And I have a few things to do," Her eyes shift to me and I shudder in fear. She reaches my chair and leans down to meet me eye to eye.

"Not again, please Yuni," I whisper. "Please,"

"Aw, what's wrong Emi-chan? I thought you were tougher than that," she grins. Blood still clings to me, everywhere, and she uses her nail to chip off a flek of crimson from my cheek. A tear slides down my cheek and burns my eyes. "Don't cry," she warns. "Or I will make it worse,"

"Yuni-" Rinya starts.

"Go Rin." Yuni states flatly.

"Fine. I'll be back in an hour." The door shuts, signaling Rinya's left, and all goes quiet.

Yuni stands up and I hear the pitter patter of her feet on the floor. A clink is heard and I freeze. She walks back over and picks up my head with her fingers, and I see a knife is firmly grasped in her hand, shimmering in the light.

"I'm angry Emi. Very angry. I'd rather not have Yuki or Rin see that, so this is the only way to let out my anger, don't you see?" she explains, her eyes shimmering.

"Please don't," I cry softly.

"'Please,'" she laughs. "Won't get you anywhere. It's the one thing my father taught me."

I scream.

Yuki's POV

"I'm going up to my room Maki," I shout from the living room.

"Alright, I'll call you when Yuni gets home,"

I trudge up the stairs to my room and sit on the edge of the bed, lost in thought. "I wonder why Yuni had to go so suddenly?" I mumble to myself.

After breakfast she said she had to go, and ran out without another word. Was she meeting someone? Is she mad at me?

"I need to just let it go," I sigh. I lay back down on the bed and close my eyes. "Her life doesn't just revolve around me."

Yuni's POV

A FEW HOURS EARLIER (After the date, just before going to Rinya and Emi)

"He is my entire life!!" I shout. "How can you take me from him?!"

"Forgive me sister, but it is father's wish. We were sent here to take you back," Illya states.

"Illya! Father has done nothing but hurt me!! Why would I obey that psycho's wishes?! To hell with him!"

"Now Yuni, that isn't very nice," Aru smiles.

My brother and sister, Illya and Aru stand on either side of me.

"How many more of there are you?" I growl. "How many of you minions did father send?"

"Being minions is still better than trash," Aru chuckles. "And there is only three of us now. You've met the other already, actually." Aru smirks. "Father will be sending more as the end of the month grows near, he knows it will take more to contain you,"

A/N: Do you know who the other one is? If you've paid really close attention to the story you'll figure it out~

"Hm. You have about three weeks left before we get you," Illya says, counting with her fingers. "Enjoy them, Yuni,"

"Fuck you," I hiss.

"You should be thanking us." Illya says. "We convinced father to give you some time to enjoy with your human,"

"I don't fucking care. You won't take me from Yuki anyways, I will die before I let that happen."

"I wonder what would happen if I killed that boy." My head snaps in Aru's direction. "I think that would be a worse punishment than just taking you home," he smiles. "I'll have to let father know."

My hand reaches for the knife in my pocket. "Touch him and I will kill every one," Illya's face turns into a painting of pure terror. Aru's smile drops and the corner of his mouth twitches. I can't even imagine how horrifying my face is right now. "You are aware of what happened last time you messed with me. I may be your little sister, but I am more powerful than you will ever be."

With those last words, Illya sprints away. Aru stands with his frown platered to his face. "Goodbye Yuni. We'll be back."

"You better not be," I growl.

A/N: Sorry this chapter's a few day's late but I made it way longer to make up for it! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to leave a vote and a comment below! See you in the next chapter~


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