20: I hurt him?

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??? POV

"Yuki!" Maki shouts as he falls to the ground, smacking his head on the cement. Blood pools out from beneath his golden blond hair as Maki screams, calling for help. I stare over at Rin, who is grinning as he begins to run from the crowd. Then I look over at Her, and see her look as she stares through the car window. He won't get far, I think to myself as I smile. That look means death, doesn't it Yuni-chan?

A/N: You guys know who this is yet?

Yuni's POV

I watch as Yuki is pulled back by his collar, and I freeze when I see the blood spatter when his head hits the curb. My entire body turns cold, and my face goes blank.

"No.. no no no.." I whisper to myself as Maki screams, kneeling beside Yuki's motionless body. "Nobody hurts my Yuki.." I unlock the car door and the world seems to stop, my feet moving in slow motion. I begin to run but it doesn't work, my feet are still frozen, stuck to the pavement. I watch as the ambulance drives up, as Yuki is carefully placed onto a stretcher as Maki cries. I see a glimpse of Rin as he runs past the crowd, shoving students out of the way. He runs past me at some point, though I can't find the energy in my body to move a muscle. Only when Yuki and Maki disappear into the ambulance can I finally move again, my feet suddenly sprinting, to where I smell him, the one who hurt my beloved. My ears pop out and my fangs do too as I run, not caring or thinking about anything, except for killing. I catch up to him finally in an alley, where no one else is around. He pants as he leans against the brick wall, and I begin to walk slowly up, hiding my face with my hair. He doesn't notice until it's too late.

I slip a knife out of my boot and slice his throat just as he turns around, and he falls to the ground, a terrified look on his face. He coughs up crimson blood and I smile.

"I told you not to touch my Yuki,"

Suddenly there is a click behind me, and I sense a presence I'm familiar with, one that makes my heart freeze.

"What's up sis?" I hear him say as his footsteps grow near. I turn around slowly to see my brothers smirking face staring down on me. "Aw, he's already dead? Now why'd you have to go and kill one of my pawns?"

My eyes widen. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Aw, now now, you know it won't be that easy to kill me, so let's not act surprised. What you really want to know is why I was using that human, hm?" he laughs.

I grit my teeth and don't reply, digging my nails into my palm. "Fine, you want to play that game? Well I guess I'll just tell you then." he sighs. "You're no fun." He gets close enough that he can lean down to my ear, and whispers. "I used him to hurt your little boyfriend, Yuni,"

My heart stops as he backs away, laughing. "Oh, are you surprised? Really Yuni, I took you for smarter than that. I used him," he says, pointing to Rin, "To hurt your precious little Yuki all these years." he repeats. "But mostly to hurt you. You see, little sis, I figured out over these long ten years that that boy is the only thing in the world that matters to you, is he not? I decided than rather than hunt you down and torture you, I would torture you through that human you love so much, as painful procedures have never been quite effective on you." He smirks. I think back to when I was young, all those years ago and all the pain inflicted on me all those years. It wasn't that I was used to the pain, it was just that I was so numb I couldn't feel anything anymore.

"Y-you mean.." I pause as a tear runs down my cheek. "I'm the reason.. The reason Yuki has been hurt his entire life?"


A/N: Sorry for all the long waits for chapters guys -_- School sucks~ Anyways feel free to write in the comments who you think the mysterious person is... I'll tell ya in a few chapters

Hope you liked this chapter and if you did don't forget to leave a like and a comment! See you next chapter! 

Rest in peace Rin Kiriguya~ (Even though you were an ass)


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