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Through out our meal, I catch Madison and Calum steal glances at each other. I decide to shrug it off and focus on the conversation we were having.

"If I were to dye my hair, what color would I dye it?" Michael asks curiously as he looks at all of us. I think for a minute. Michael has been talking about dying his hair for a while now, but something tells me that he won't do it.

"Probably black or green," Ashton says. "Maybe blue," I chime in. "Or pink," Luke adds on. From then on, we name all of the colors of the rainbow that Michael could dye his hair to.

"Okay, okay! Just shut the hell up.. You're all giving me a fucking headache," Michael says jokingly as he rubs his temple. I laugh to myself.

[ Later At Maegan and Madison's House ]

I was currently laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I grab my phone from my night stand and unlock it quickly. I check my text messages and see I have one from Calum. I begin to get this giddy feeling in my stomach, causing me to furrow my brows. I can't feel this away about Calum. I just can't.

I tap his contact and read the message. 'Be there in ten. x' The message was sent eight minutes ago, so he should be arriving here any time soon. I smile slightly to myself. I guess I am starting to fall for him. I mean, who wouldn't? He has those beautiful eyes that could make any girl swoon, and his voice could make you have butterflies in your tummy almost instantly. Don't even get my started on his music taste.

I hear a door open and close and Calum's familiar voice screaming through out Madison and I's shared house, "I'm here! And I have food!"

I quickly drop my phone and jog down the stairs. I peep from the corner and look at Calum. "I heard food," I say, raising a brow.

He chuckles and holds up a bag of junk food. I smile and walk over to him, taking the bag. "What would I do without a friend like you, hmm?" I say, my heart stinging a little.

"I believe it's what would I do without a friend like you," He replies, changing my words up. I blush slightly, but try and hide it.

I hear footsteps walking down the stairs and look towards them to see Madison standing there. She smiles at Cal. "Hey," She says. "Hey," He replies, walking over to her and giving her a quick side hug. I furrow my brows slightly, but shake off my thoughts. "Calum brought candy. Do you want it? I'm still full from earlier," I say, my voice sounding a bit weaker than it was not even two minutes ago.

She smiles slightly and walks over, taking the bag from my hands. "You sure?" She asks, her head tilting to the side slightly. I nod, smiling softly. "Positive."

"The lads are coming over, too," Calum says as he walks into the kitchen. Madison follows him.

"Weird," I mutter under my breath."

[ Ever Later ]

I was in my room again. I looked across the room and saw my guitar standing in the corner. I walk over to it and pick it up before walking back over to my bed. I sit down and get ready to play "Your Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. "When I see your smile, tears roll down my face I can't replace. And now that I'm strong I have figured out how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul. And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one. I will never let you fall. I'll stand up with you forever. I'll be there for you through for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to Heaven." I go into the second verse, the chorus, and end the song.

After I finish the song, I hear people clapping. I snap my head to the doorway. "Shit!" I say as I return my guitar back to its orginal place. I turn to see Michael, Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Madison standing in the doorway. "You guys weren't supposed to hear that," I say, looking down as my face is probably redder than a tomato by now.

"Why? You're good!" Michael remarks, smiling at me. I blush harder, if possible, and lift my head up slightly. "Really?" "Duh," Michael says and I punch his arm softly.

"I literally had no idead you could sing like that, Maegan!" Madison exclaims and I smile slightly. I nod my head.

We all head downstairs and spend the rest of the day playing video games and watching Michael through popcorn at Luke continously.

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