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We were all on our way back to the car. After we had finished preforming, we started talking with the fans until they left.

One of the girls had told me that I should start a YouTube channel, and I was seriously taking it into consideration. I shrugged mentally as we all pile into the van we arrived in. I take my seat by one of the four windows that were in the vehicle and put my seat belt on.

"Where are we going now?" Michael speaks up from next to me. I guess I didn't see him get in and take the vacant seat next to me. "Back to Luke's, I guess," Ashton replies from his spot in the driver's seat. He was the only one old enough to drive us around. We all mumble "okay" and soon get indulged into our own conversations.

Madison was in the passenger's seat, so she was talking to Ashton about who knows what. Madison is the type of person to talk about anything and everything. Even when you don't want to talk about a specific topic, she'll eventually persuade you into talking about it.

I look over to my right and see Michael talking to Calum about something that I couldn't hear properly. Calum was seated in between Michael and Luke. Luke was staring out his window, and I smiled slightly. Luke was my childhood crush, and I have to admit, there is still a part of me that likes him. We've been best friends practically since birth, and nothing has changed that. I had a major crush on Luke, and didn't know he was friends with Calum until he called me over to watch them sing a song for their YouTube channel. I was madly in love with him, and Madison always called me thirsty because of that. Once I had shown up at Luke's house and watched them preform for their laptop's camera, I couldn't help but steal glances at Calum every once in a while. He caught me staring once and winked, making my face turn a dark shade of crimson. Michael had noticed my red tinted cheeks and chuckled, shaking his head. That's how Michael and I became close friends - him laughing at my blushed face. After they had recorded their short cover of "Next To You" by Justin Bieber and Chris Brown and the video was uploading onto their channel, Calum had called me over to where he was. We started talking, and, turns out, we had a lot in common with each other. That only made me fall in love with him deeper.

And now, here we were, riding in a car to the exact place I fell in love with Calum at. He doesn't know about my liking towards him; only Madison does since she practically squeezed it out of me earlier. I blink quickly before looking towards the ground. I spot a piece of crumbled up paper and pick it up. I stare at it, and then back at Luke, before tossing it at him. It bounces off his head and I quickly turn my gaze to look out the window. I hear snickering and laugh slightly, right before I feel the same paper ball I threw at Luke hitting the back of my head. I jerk my head towards Luke and see him laughing. I shake my head and reach behind Michael and Calum to punch his arm slightly.

"I smell a wonderful romance bursting!" I hear Madison practically shout from the front seat. "I second that motion," Michael squeaks from beside me and I punch both of them in the arms, rolling my eyes. I look over at Calum to see him holding in a laugh and sigh softly. "Go ahead, Cal, laugh to your hearts content." He follows my orders and begins to laugh like he's never laughed before. I shake my head, smiling to myself.

"Okay, kids, calm your shit, we're here!" Ashton yells from the driver's seat and I snort, getting out of the car.

idrk about this one guys but oh welllllllll.

so, i know that maegan and luke had met on the /street/ but this is maegan's perspective of how they met. see, it was a long long time ago and she wasn't really focused on calum when he had came up to talk to them. she was focused on luke because that's when she started falling for him. then, when he called her over to check out three fourths of 5 seconds of summer, she took notice in calum and was like oh hot damn i want him to be my baby daddy u feel???

okay so yeah and i have lots of friggin cool stories and shiz coming at you either later on this year or sometime next year so be ready.

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