The Traitor

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We ran, as fast and as far as we could, but it wasn't fast enough.

Big Will had caught up to us, and if he reached out, he could have touched me. Eventually, he was going to have caught someone.

"Sage!" Big Will had grabbed Jr by the shirt. Funny enough, I had gotten ahead of the speedster, and was too far away to hear. I was still running, at full speed. I hadn't noticed Jr had gotten caught

"Let me go! Help!"

Maddie used her heat vision on Big Will's hand. He drops him and runs off.

"Jr, Are you okay?" Maddie checked him for any sign of injury.

"Maddie, get everyone and meet us on the catwalk."

"I swear, this better not be about Sage!"

She turned around, to find... Lucas!

"That won't be a problem, I'm going to kill her." Lucas smiles. "Your name is Maddie, correct?"

"Yeah, I'm Maddie." She nodded.

"You should join my team."

She thought about it long and hard. The deciding factor, his adorable charm.

"Fine, As long as we only get rid of Sage, leave Jr out of it." "Agreed. Keep playing them till you and Sage are alone, then, dispose of the trash." Lucas held out his hand, and She hesitantly shook it.

She joined everyone, as if nothing had changed.

"Sage! Hey, Sage!" Kendall and the gang ran toward me and Jr.

"Are you okay?" I look at everyone and Maddie caught my eye, something was different.

"What's the plan? I know you have a plan. Sage?" I was studying Maddie, but I hadn't noticed Kendall had said my name, there was something about her, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"What are you looking at? Sage?" I stared at her, and Maddie jumped at her and me.

"Maddie! Sage! Break it up!" Maddie turned around and punched Jr, knocking him off his feet. I kicked Maddie in the gut.

" I think she's working with Lucas!" I grunted

She gets up and grabs me by the waist.

"Am not!" She pulls me over, making us fall toward the ground Maddie hit and blacked out but I was able to keep my feet on the ground.

I glanced at the group. Everyone looked worried

"I'm fine."

"She hurt you, Kendall needs to heal you." Abby said while looking at the injury on my arm.

I looked at her.

"No, we don't have time for that. We need to get everyone out of here."

A little girl came running and bumped into me.

"Sorry!" The girl shook in fear.

"Don't hurt me please!"

"I am not going to hurt you. Do you need help?"

"Lucas... Mrs. Evans...dust...screaming." Before we could go anywhere, Mrs. Evans said over the speakers,

"Can everyone please go to the gym? Lord Lucas needs a word with everyone." I look over to Maddie and she had disappeared.

"She's gone. It's a trap." I look at the little girl,

"Don't go to the gym, get out of here before you fall under his spell. Leave, right now."

The little girl runs away.

We all walked to the gym together, and everyone looked at me.

"What do we do, Sage?"

"Well, he can't make dust out of thin air so, Caden, you need to remove the dust off Lucas. Abby will teleport you to Kendall, who will get my truck. Jr, will hold off Lucas."

"What are you going to do?" Caden asked.

"Jackie and I are going to take care of Maddie and Will. Someone needs to keep them from getting to Lucas. We don't have time for this! Okay? Ready?" They all nod, some hesitantly, some willingly. Caden grabs the dust. Jr punches Lucas in the face. The whole gym watched. Maddie and Big Will start running to Lucas' aid. It's mine and Jackie's turn

I glanced around the room and spot an open door, just across from where Will and Maddie were.

I looked at Jackie. She had noticed it, as well.

I count with my fingers, mouthing the numbers. ' One....two...three "Now!"

We rush toward them, with all the force we had. This would normally be a dangerous move, but they hadn't noticed we were there. We push them into the open door.

The plan was that we would quickly get out of the room and block it up, with chairs or something, from the outside. I got tangled up with Maddie's legs and was stuck inside.

Jackie hadn't noticed me get trapped, and had already blocked the door.

I mouthed to her

Go! I'm fine!

"Well this is a really good plan Sage, they are out there, and you are in here."

"I know."

Maddie runs at me, I run under her and she runs into the wall.

I had forgot about Big Will. He grabbed me by my hair, and I screamed in pain.

"Let go of me!"

He laughs

"You thought you had her, but I got you now."

Maddie aimed her heat vision at me.

I quickly turn into a turtle and bite Will's finger. He dropped me and screamed in pain.

The laser hit him instead of me, so I changed back and kicked Will in the stomach. He hit the wall and knocked out.

Maddie tried to grab my waist, but I dodged. Then, I turn into a wolf.

"You need help." Jr said to Lucas while wrestling.

"No, I need you dead at my feet." He jumped over Lucas.

"Like I said, You need help. Why are you doing this anyway?" Lucas punched Jr in the face.

"You took her away from me!" He get up and looked at him.

"What are you talking about?" 

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