The Attack

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I couldn't remember the last time I was put in critical danger. I had decided to stay in my room for a little bit, just to gather my thoughts.

Though soon, I slowly closed my eyes and was engulfed in sleep.

"Sage? Hey Sage, come here please!" Jackie called, while pounding on the door.

I rolled out of bed, groaning,"Ugh!"

I had hit the floor, groggily got up off the carpet, and sombered into the kitchen.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled.

Since I had just woken, I couldn't comprehend what was happening,"What is this?"

Abby hugged me. "We wanted to thank you for saving us, without you and God's help, we would have been mindless-zombie-slaves for Lucas."

With the tear running down my cheek, I had failed trying not to cry. I knew I was blessed with great friends.

Jackie and Abby had cooked breakfast for everyone. Crispy bacon, still hot off the pan. Fluffy pancakes, perfect, a light brown on top and flakey white around the edges. Warm oatmeal, smooth and sweet, that melted in your mouth.

Even though it smelled, looked and tasted delicious I didn't eat much.

I really wasn't hungry, so I decided to go outside.

"Sage?" Jr looked around for me. He walked over to the window for a reflecting moment.

There I was! He got up from my seat and eagerly started to go outside.

But Caden stopped him.

"Let me go talk to her, Jr. I might can figure out what's wrong with her."

Caden came outside and sat beside me.

"Hey Sage, are you okay?"

I looked at him. "Yeah. I'm fine. I was just...thinking." "About?"

I started, "About what's next. I'm trying to figure out a plan."

"Let's just take things step by step, you know? Figure it out as it comes. Right now, we're safe. And with that tree illusion, we should be safe for a while."

"Thanks, Caden. I'm glad to call you my friend."

"No problem. Glad I could help."

Caden stood up and strode inside.

But I decided to sit outside a little longer.

It didn't take long for Caden to come inside.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Caden looked at him, "It was nothing."

I had heard a faint scream. It was...coming from my parent's house! I changed into a wolf and ran towards the screaming.

I had a feeling it was Lucas. I was right...

I rushed to my parents house, hoping for the best. But the best was just a figment of my imagination.

Will shapeshifted into a lion, and held my sister's arm in his jaws.

"Let my sister go!"

Lucas noticed me. "No way."

I charged at him.

"Has anyone seen Sage recently?" Abby suddenly noticed.

After everyone else sees that I had disappeared, they all decided to go find me. People toppling, tripping, tumbling, just to get out the door. I meant so much to each and everyone of them. They finally get outside and rush to my truck.

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