{Lams} Stay Alive (37)

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▲▽Alexander Hamilton's P.O.V.▼△
★Classic AU★
★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

"Alexander, could you get the wet rag from the kitchen, please?" John Laurens asked me softly, his hand resting gently on Philip's.  Nodding, I speed-walked to the bathroom to receive the wet rag that was asked.

Our son is 16 years old, deathly ill with a horrid virus. It causes a high fever, shaking severely, nausea, and vomiting. He's unable to keep anything down. It reminds me of when my mother and I were sick and I always wish silently that it was me on that bed instead of our poor son, Philip.

"Alexander, please, hurry!" John called from the bedroom were Philip rests. I rushed back to the bed where Philip laid still, his shallow breathing being the only movement. His pale face almost never moved, his eyes usually closed to sleep to keep the pain away. We still don't know what causes the virus, but we've constantly had to keep an eye on him.

I hand the rag to my husband who carefully place it on the forehead of our son. Philip flinched at the sudden coolness of the rag, but went back to resting peacefully afterwards. I looked at my husband who kept his eyes on our son. I left the room, no longer able to keep most emotions in while looking at my family falling apart.

I sat down at the table in the kitchen, my eyes wondering around the room as a distraction. Every move hurt my heart as I focused on something that wasn't my son or my husband. It hurt to see them like this.

This home wasn't a home without happiness. And there was no happiness to share.

Carefully, I stood once more and rushed off to my office, grabbing a paper and quill, sitting down in a creaky chair before writing down what I needed to.

Every emotion I felt for how Philip was was written on this paper that was covered in black ink. Ink marks covered the paper because of my quill or hand, somehow explaining how I felt. When in doubt, I always write.

A comforting hand was placed on my shoulder as I stuck my quill out to get more ink. John removed the quill from my hand and placed it down next to the paper that was almost full. I looked at him with watery eyes. "What if we lose him?" I mumble to him.

John made a sad smile, his hand moving to my face to comfort me. "He won't. I know it."

I lean into his hand and place mine over his. I close my eyes and finally let the small tears stream down my face. The silence between us wasn't what I needed. The only thing I needed was company and I got it. "I'm going to go to the market to see if they have had any luck. I will pick up a few vegetables as well," John tells me. "Go take care of our son. I will be back in an hour."

With that last sentence, a kiss was placed on my lips before he let me be. The door closed behind him on the way out, making me miss his presence already.

I stood with all the energy I had left. Large bags sat under my eyes as I stumbled over to the door, moving over to the other room that held our sleeping son. I quietly moved to where John set a stool. I sat down and placed my hand on his, his hand unusually cold. I gasp at the touch and suddenly stood, searching around for an impulse.

"Father," a small voice spoke and I quickly looked over at Philip who looked weakly at me. His half-lidded, hazel eyes sparkled with happiness as he tried to smile. "I'm glad you're here."

"Sh, I know, I know," I hush him, taking his hand once more with a smile. Tears welled up once more, but I forced them back. "Save your strength, son."

A small chuckle emitted from the sixteen year old. "I'm not your son," he mocked weakly, smiling as I laughed silently.

"You're just like me," my voice cracked as I felt his hand squeeze mine. "Stay alive, for me," I tell him as his eyes closed once more. "Rest."

With no other words, he was asleep once more. Choppy breathing emitted from his body and I prayed for John to return soon.

I sat back down on the stool and tears fell gently down my face. "Stay alive for me," I sung quietly, remembering the song my mother used to sing for me. "Now the night is coming to an end," I hum the middle part and the rest of the song, letting the tears freely flow down my face as I continued.

It was the last song I sang to my mother.

I finished the song and looked at Philip who was breathing shallowly. A sob struck my throat and I squeezed my eyes shut, my emotions getting the better of me as I desperately hung onto my son's hand.

As my sobs echoed through the house, the door opened to the bedroom and in cane John, his eyes wide at the sounds. He rushed over to me and moved my face so I looked at him. "Oh, Alexander," John murmured, kissing my cheeks softly for comfort.

"Pa," Philip spoke once more. I looked over at Philip who weakly looked at the both of us. "It's alright."

"Philip, it isn't alright," John softly said, his hand finding mine as I tried to force myself to stop crying. "Save your strength, Philip."

Philip moved his hand from mine and used it as a pillar to move. I quickly rushed to his aid, making him lay back down. "Philip, no."

Philip argued with me silently as he fought against my gentle push. John won the argument by pushing Philip to lay back down. "Lay down and stay down," John demanded and Philip listened.

I thanked John quietly and let John sit on the stool. I watched as Philip let his body and mind relax as he began to sink into a sleeping state.

A week passed after that moment. We noticed the improvements of our son. He began waking up at a normal hour. He begged us to help him up and walking once more. With a lot of begging, we finally gave in. We even got him eating once more.

We had help from our friends: the Schuyler Sisters, Marquis de Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan. They helped with his recovery stage before they finally decided it was best to let Philip get the rest himself with his fathers to help.

With every baby step, we had a new goal to achieve and every time we did, we let Philip do it on his own with much precaution.

After that, the family home was once again a happy home to live in.

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

I apologize if this isn't what you wanted <3

Word Count: 1180
Published: 5-18-18

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