I'm Fed Up!

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I love how people keep playing with my heart and emotions. Just like you'd want to be respected as a human being and as a real person SO WOULD I! I don't understand why that wouldn't make any logical sense. For years, I have taken up for you, saying crap like "oh, he's just trying to find himself" "he doesn't know what he wants" and I'M TIRED OF IT! You're grown enough to do half of the crap that you do, so be "grown enough" to take up for your actions. I'm no longer going to be here for you to talk to and rely on to give you advice. you are stopping me form having a real life and I think that it's selfish and unfair.

countless of nights I've thought that I could genuinely like a person like you but in reality I would never even if it was the last person on Earth!!!!!! Every damn time I ask you is there anything at all you want or NEED to tell me you never say anything but I have people coming to me with information that isn't for them to share. I honestly thought that you were better than that, but there I go making you into a person that I wish you could be. I hope she makes you happy. I hope she makes your life a living hell. I hope that the shit you put me through for all of these years comes back to you with HER...

And don't even think about comparing yourself to me. unlike you, I actually care about what other people's feelings. I actually have the ability to feel guilt for what I do if I think its wrong. I'm not as selfish and conniving as you are and I hope that I never will be. now I understand what everyone meant when they say that I should be careful around you. I'm fed up with your mess. 


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