chapter xxi.

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FALLING ASLEEP seemed to be a struggle lately with gunfire from night until day and without Negan laying next to me. Rick's group really fucked things up and Negan had to set it straight.

I got out of bed and grabbed the walkie talkie Negan had given me. Ever since Negan had to set things straight, he'd given me a walkie talkie so he knew when I went into labor.

I walked around the building, trying to find a way out so I could get some fresh air. I found a platform that was looking towards the east, where the sun rises. I stood there and watched the sun come up, an orange cast set over the trees.

I tried to ignore the moans of the dead and enjoy the sun rise, but it killed the mood. I walked back inside and towards the new dining hall when I felt something trickle down my leg.

I looked down and found a puddle of water surrounding my feet and then suddenly felt a sharp pain erupt through my abdomen. I screamed as the pain got worse and two people ran up to me.

"We need to get her to Dr. Carson, now!" One shouted and pulled me up, putting my arms around their necks. We walked down the hall a bit and I realized I left the walkie talkie on the ground.

"You need t-to," I started, but another contraction hit. I winced and clenched my teeth, trying to fight the screaming. "You need to tell Negan."

They just nodded their heads as we snaked through the corridors to Carson's office. I was screaming as we entered and Carson immediately went into action.

He laid me down on the chair and asked me a few questions before timing my next contraction. Carson called Mike in and told him to radio Negan and I hoped that Negan would make it back.

I didn't want to have this baby without him and I was too scared that I wouldn't make it through delivery. I grabbed and twisted the blanket at the next contraction, pushing my head back against the pillow.

Mike came back in with the walkie and set it down on the table. I gave him a pleading look and he only shook his head.

"Fuck!" I cursed, mostly at the pain but also at Negan. He always had the walkie on him and I started to worry.

Suddenly the darkest of thoughts were running through my head and I couldn't concentrate on what I needed to; my baby.

Carson shook my shoulders, bringing me back to the present and told me I needed to push.

"No, no, Negan needs to be here for this." I told him, as calmly as I could. "I can't do this alone, I can't do it without him."

He grabbed my face in his hands and made me look at him. "y/n, if you don't push, you will lose this baby."

His words put the fear of god in me. I wasn't much of a believer, but his words hit my core and I nodded my head. I took a deep breath and waited until he was ready.

He looked at me expectantly and I pushed as hard as I could, grabbing and twisting the sheets. It felt like nothing had changed, the pain only getting worse and Carson telling me to push again. I groaned and threw my head back, feeling another wave of pain move through my stomach.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and lurched forward, pushing with everything I had. I really wished that Negan was here, I knew I couldn't do this on my own and to be honest, I didn't want to do this on my own.

"You're doing good, y/n, just a few more pushes." Carson cheered and I rolled my eyes as I collapse back onto the headrest. My hair stuck to my face like glue and my throat felt dry.

My face was dripping with sweat, it starting to sting my eyes and I began crying. Where was he? Why hadn't he answered like he was supposed to?

"M-Mike," I called, reaching my hand out to him. "Call Negan again, please." Mike grabbed the walkie but hesitated when Carson yelled at him.

"No, y/n, you need to focus." Carson glared at me. "The baby is what's important."

"Call him!" I sobbed, not ready to give up on him. I felt another contraction and knew I needed to push. I grabbed my knees and pulled myself forward as I used all my strength to push. I tried to scream, but nothing audible came out.

"One, final push y/n and he'll be here." Carson said, trying to cheer me up. I shook my head, knowing I couldn't do it.

"I can't. I can't do it." I breathed, barely feeling like anyone could hear me. My voice had become so hoarse and I felt lightheaded.

"y/n, I need one big push from you and you're done. Come on, you can do this."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself to push harder than before. I grabbed ahold of the sheets and gave one last push, my nails digging into my skin through the fabric.

"Fuck!" I shouted and as soon as I collapsed on the chair I heard a loud wailing noise as my body started to relax. My baby.

But the wailing noise was the last thing I heard before everything grew black.


holy shit guys, it's been awhile. im so sorry it took me forever to update, I had to catch myself up on the new season and im not even fully caught up but I will be soon and hopefully ill get more chapters to you shortly!

school is letting out next week so ill be able to work more on my writing and giving you guys more chapters.

but thank you so much for all the reads and votes so far! i hope you guys enjoy this chapter, though its a but shorter than my other ones. love you guys and stay tuned for more shortly!

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