Chapter 6 - Backstreet Bickering and Broken Bones. (Please forgive any spelling or grammar errors. Normally, I'd have them fixed but I haven't yet sorted spellchecker on my new laptop, sorry!)
Chapter 6 – Backstreet Bickering and Broken Bones
Lee’s car was so comfortable that I was considering falling asleep.
"This isn't time for sleeping," Lee remarked from the front, glancing back at me. I sighd, sitting up straight so that there was no chance of falling asleep.
"What's going on?" I asked, looking out of the window. I had no idea where we were and the sat nav was beeping and 'recalculating', again so it looked like Lee had no idea where we were, either.
"Where did you find this piece of crap, Hunter? I was fine following a road map, now we're freaking lost!" Lee scolded from the front, glaring at Hunter through the rearview mirror.
"Don't yell at him," I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. Kenzi sighed from the front seat.
"Stop the bickering, already! Lee, pull over so that we can try to work out where the hell we are. Hunter, shut up and Andy, get your head out of Hunter's ass," she demanded. I smirked, pulling myself out of Hunter's arms to lean in between the two front seats.
"Sorry, Mum. Lee, that's probably a good idea." Lee sighed, twisting the wheel to pull up on the side of some unrecognisable road.
We'd been travelling for about a hour, probably in the wrong direction, judging by the sat nav. Hunter and I had been singing at the tops of our lungs for the majority of it with Lee occasionally joining in on the chorus and Kenzi just laughing and how bad we sounded.
"Right, anybody have a map?" Lee asked. I shook my head, looking blankly at Hunter who was just raising one eyebrow.
"Do I look like the type of guy that carries around a map?" he asked flatly. Kenzi sighed, slumping in her seat.
"No, you look like that dipshit that bought us the sat nav," Lee retorted.
"If you two are going to continue arguing, I am walking. You are going to be getting no sex," I pointed to Hunter and then to Lee. "And you aren't going to be getting my backup when we get back to Dante and his temper."
Kenzi just let out a bark of laughter.
"Oh my days, guys, just chill out. It's not the end of the world. We're just a bit lost." We all looked at her incredulously.
"A bit?" we asked in unison. She shrugged, getting up and jumping out of the car.
"OK, maybe a lot." She had that right. Looking around, it wasn't too different from Sheffield, it was just scarier and we had no idea where we were.
"Remind me why you guys came to get us," Hunter grumbled.
"Because I can speak Italian and your ass needed saving," Lee defended, getting out of the car and leaning on the door.
"Guys!" I pleaded. They sighed, giving up on their current argument. I followed suit, getting out of the car and leaning on the wall.

The Bad Boy, The Sat Nav and Me
Teen Fiction"You're the good little church girl, this sort of thing shouldn't have happened!" Hunter exclaimed and I scoffed. "Please, you're the badass gang member, you shouldn't have got us lost!" I retorted, only to be rewarded with a scowl. "I'm a gang lead...