Chapter 26 - Stupendous Salsa and Salad Substitutes.

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Chapter 26 – Stupendous Salsa and Salad Substitutes (Not proofread, please ignore any mistakes).

                I groaned, resting my forehead on the back of Hunter’s, letting out a huff of breath. He chuckled humourlessly, pushing on my thighs to move me further up his back.

                We’d decided to move on, travelling three miles up the side of the road to a bigger town, where hopefully, one of the boys would grow a pair of balls and steal one of the cars. Probably wasn’t gonna happen, none of us were in karma’s good books.

                “Alf, fancy giving me a piggy back?” Lee asked, grinning as he nudged his brother. Alfie just shot him a look.

                “I’d rather get down on my knees and…” Kenzi cut him off with a fist to the gut before he could get anything else out.

                “You’d have more chance of catching Chlamydia from a monk,” Seb muttered, glancing over his shoulder at us. Seb was walking ahead, attempting to navigate with Dylan and I was meant to be strolling along with Kenzi and the other two brothers but had hitched a ride on Hunter’s back instead.

                We’d been walking for about an hour, which for only three miles, was a bit excessive. By leaving Seb in charge of navigation, we’d all gotten a break from the map reading we’d been doing. Unfortunately, there was a reason that we didn’t let Seb have the map in the first place.

                “I’m having a fag,” Alfie announced, splitting off from the group and strolling over to the trees that lay to the side of the road. Hunter groaned, letting go of my legs without warning. I jilted, grabbing onto his neck for dear life as I tried to find the ground.


                “Asshole,” I muttered, hitting his back as I walked away. He laughed, following us over to the tree. Seb trailed us, not looking up from the map when he stopped. Instead of sitting and playing endless games of rock, paper scissors, I watched Seb and tried to work out what he was doing.

                “We need to go that way towards this town here,” Seb said, angling the map towards me.

                “Does your ass get jealous when all this shit comes from your mouth?” I asked. Hunter let out a bark of laughter from behind me, glancing at the map.

                “Shut up, I don’t see you doing any navigating,” Seb retorted, giving me a look.

                “Seb, that isn’t navigating, that is fucking up our travel plans,” Hunter replied,  grabbing the map and calling Lee over.  Lee was a little less enthusiastic about being put in charge of the map but had the route planned out within minutes.

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