Chapter 30 – Stinging Stomachs and Strange Surroundings (Not proofread, sorry, so ignore any mistakes).
Waking up wasn’t the norm. My side was stinging, the area around me was white and when I opened my eyes, a strange looking man with a clipboard was looking straight at me, frowning.
My original thought was that I’d died and gone to heaven, which in all honesty would’ve been a bit of a shock if you take my last few months into account.
“Your breath stinks,” I muttered, shoving my head to the side with a squint. I heard a snort from my left and an indignant sniff above me.
“You’re appearing better, Miss Latrone,” the man said. I frowned, rolling my head back to look at him. Because he had straightened, his face was further away and I definitely preferred it that way.
“Latrone?” I murmured, confused. The same person that snorted coughed. I glanced to my left to see Hunter there, raising an eyebrow expectantly. Great, there’s one chance I get to change my name into something that could be amazing and I get stuck with ‘Latrone’, it sounded like a type of toilet.
“Can you give me and my girlfriend a moment, please?” Hunter asked the man, which I’d gathered was a doctor.
The man left with a nod and when I sat up, pain shot through me like an arrow.
“Jesus!” I yelped, letting myself droop again.
The room smelt as sterile as it looked when I took a quick glance around again. It was all pretty much how you would expect a hospital to look. White, white and a little bit grey here and there just to mix it up.
“How are you doing?” Hunter asked, perching on the side of the bed, only to shoot up again when I winced.
“Fan-bloody-tastic. Where’s everyone else?” I asked, watching him walk around the bed to peer out of the window, past the curtain.
“Right there,” he said, pointing outside. I rolled my eyes, slumping back against the pillows. I should’ve been expecting that.
“You’re kidding, right?” Hunter shook his head as a form of answer and then walked over to the door to check around.
“Nope, now we need to change you and get you into a wheelchair,” he said, disappearing through the door, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.
I managed to maneuver myself into a position so that I could check my side and it really wasn’t pretty. If I was being brutally honest, it made me feel sick. My skin was strewed around deep black stitching. From what I could remember, it hurt like a bitch and the guy that did it was a dickhead. He came charging in with a few other men and started barking orders. Lee was out almost immediately, leaving only Alfie and Dylan to help. I could vaguely remember Hunter coming in and getting me but after that my mind drew a blank.

The Bad Boy, The Sat Nav and Me
Teen Fiction"You're the good little church girl, this sort of thing shouldn't have happened!" Hunter exclaimed and I scoffed. "Please, you're the badass gang member, you shouldn't have got us lost!" I retorted, only to be rewarded with a scowl. "I'm a gang lead...