Chapter 10 - Crazy Clubs and Clingy Crackwhores

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Chapter 10 - Crazy Clubs and Clingy Crackwhores

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry," I chanted, following Lee and Hunter to the ouside of the garage. Lee spun around, giving me a pointed look.

"Sorry doesn't fix my car," he grumbled, sitting down on the egde of the kurb, his head in his hands. I raised an eyebrow, grimacing in Hunter's direction. The amused smirk hadn't left his face since I'd crashed Lee's car.

"True. But the 300 Euros I just paid for the repairs does," I reasoned, sitting down next to him. The pavement was cold on the tops of my thighs, raising goosebumps on my legs.

"Lee, it's a car, man up," Hunter retorted, sitting down on my other side.

Hearing some footsteps behind us, I glanced over my shoulder, squinting in the sun. Kenzi walked out, twiddling her thumbs and sighing. Lee sprung to his feet immediately, rushing over to her.

"Well?" he asked, looking over her head and into the garage at his precious car. She shook her head.

"It's not good news, I'm afraid," she said with a sigh. Hunter groaned, pushing on his knees to get to his feet and twisting.

"This is sounding like something out of fricken casualty. How long are we stuck here before they can fix the car?" he asked.

I held in my snigger, still watching as they fought it out. I decided against saying anything, they say actions speak louder than words and well, I'd wrecked Lee's car. I don't know what words I was supposably conveying but they were strong ones. Saying anything else would just get me in deeper.

"24 hours," Kenzi answered. Lee groaned, flumping back down on the pavement beside me. I offered him a smile and then put my legs out.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll put my legs out and wait for the next car?" I said, straightening my legs, making them take up some of the road. Lee was about to open his mouth when some hands came under my armpits, hoisting me back up. Well, my legs went flying in the air so I couldn't stand up until Hunter placed me down again gently.

"Sorry, man, but I love them legs too much to let anything happen to them." We all just shook our heads at Hunter's comment, blowing out through our lips.

"So, what now? I'm a tad bored of Pizza," Kenzi muttered, gesturing around her with open arms.

"Pisa," Lee corrected and then shrugged. "I don't know. Grab a beer or something and find another hotel?" Hunter nodded, looking at me for my opinion. I just mirrored Lee's shrug.

"Sounds fine to me."

Me nor Kenzi really expected Lee's expression of 'grab a beer' to be taken as 'we're going into this shop to grab a couple six-packs'. So, through our surprise, they told us to create a distraction so that they could take it and get out. I'd done a solo distraction back in Sheffield but I wasn't any good, I just wrecked some beans and nearly got arrested so Hunter never let me do it again.

"He was my boyfriend, you two faced bitch!" Kenzi suddenly shrieked and shoved me forwards. I was too in shock to do anything immediately. We hadn't even discussed our distraction. A couple of heads in the shop turned to look at us so I knew I had to think of somthing and put on my usual oscar winning performance. We were based just inside the doors so no doubt security would be on us, the people on the cashiers and the customers in the shop.

"It takes two to tango, perhaps you just weren't giving him a good enough show. He had to come to me," I drawled, grinning at her when she flared her nostrils.

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