Chapter 36 – Drastic Demises and Daring Doctors (not proofread).
We were faced with two problems when we touched down back in the UK. Well, four, if you count Kyle’s flying sickness and the extremely cold weather.
I pushed the key into the slot and as soon as the door fell open, Hunter had me up against the wall in a powerful kiss.
After my near death experience two days before, Hunter had been a lot nicer to me than usual. Seb had also bought Kenzi so many clothes that he’d had to pay an extra 50 Euros for the extra kilogram on the luggage that she was carrying. Luckily, when Seb had shot both of the gang leaders, Kenzi hadn’t been there and had only been told minor details. Long story short, she didn’t know that Seb was the one that did the deed. We would tell her eventually but while she was sprawled across the bed, sharing a hotel room with Alex’s agro uncle with a branding on her stomach, we didn’t really fancy making her day any worse. The poor girl had been through enough.
“Haven’t you had a month to do that?” A sharp, nightmarish voice remarked from the hallway. I froze and Hunter stepped back from me so quickly it was like I was on fire. He’d gone from turned on to turned off in about three seconds. Mind you, nothing says erection killer like an angry mother-in-law to be.
“Um, hi, Mum,” I mumbled awkwardly while Hunter just raised an arm in a wave.
“Hey, Miss D.”
My mum turned on her heels and marched into the living room away from sight. I turned to Hunter, my eyes glazed over with fear and fury.
“Did you give her a key?!” I accused, placing both hands on my hips. Hunter held his hands up defensively and shook his head frantically.
“Do you think I’m insane?! No, I didn’t give her a key,” he retorted, shutting the door with his heel as he glanced over my head into the living room. I turned and shuddered, starting to walk forwards.
“You pretty much walked to your death two days ago looking less scared than this,” he hissed over my shoulder and I turned to glare at him.
“I’d take two Italian mafia leaders over my mother any day,” I whispered back and took a deep breath.
I didn’t know what I needed the deep breath for. I probably should’ve passed it onto mum considering that she didn’t seem to stop for one the entire time she was yelling at me. It must’ve lasted a good fifteen minutes. The woman had a pair of lungs on her, what could I say?

The Bad Boy, The Sat Nav and Me
Roman pour Adolescents"You're the good little church girl, this sort of thing shouldn't have happened!" Hunter exclaimed and I scoffed. "Please, you're the badass gang member, you shouldn't have got us lost!" I retorted, only to be rewarded with a scowl. "I'm a gang lead...