Chapter 9 - Leaning Lee and Lengthy Lectures.
Calling my mum had been another wrong decision of mine, she wasn't exactly taking the whole situation very well. I'd put Hunter on the phone to speak to her because, well, she wanted to nail him and normally, talking to him, calmed her down.
It's needless to say that since I told her that he was my boyfriend, she wasn't overly pleased about speaking with him. I couldn't pick up much of the conversation but I'd worked out that she wasn't using her sexy voice. It sounded more like the if-I-was-there-I-would-officially-crush-your-windpipe-and-then-bring-you-back-to-life-only-to-yell-at-you-until-I-can't-breath, voice. Yeah, she had one of those and she was definitely putting it into practise.
"Yes, I was with her," Hunter coaxed, sitting down on me until I pinched the skin at the top of his thigh. He jumped up, shooting me a glare and then sitting down next to me instead. "No, I didn't deflower your daughter," he added, sounding a lot more impatient than he did a moment before. I didn't really blame him, to be honest, my mum was a force to be reckoned with.
Before Hunter could say another word and I could chicken out, I grabbed the phone and clenched my hand around it with a grimace.
"Mum, as much as I enjoyed sitting here and arguing with you, I've really got to get going," I said as sarcastically as I could. The silence on the end of the line was scary, scarier than if she'd actually said something.
"Andrea Deeks, we will talk about this when you get home," she said in a clipped tone, her breathing deep.
"No, we will talk about this now. I don't see the problem with this. I am with my friends, I have money and Dante knows where we are and that there is a problem. Dad knows, he's okay with it, hell, he even gave me money!" I exclaimed. Hunter's eyes widdened at my tone, which was understandable.
The line was silent again, she was probably standing in the kitchen and looking down at her drawer of knives, working out which would be best to personally punish me with when I got home. Slight exaggeration on my behalf, but I wouldn't really be surprised if that was happening.
"So, let me get this straight. You call me to tell me that you're lost in Italy, after, and I quote, 'A wild night out gone wrong' and then expect me to be okay with this?" she started, her rant just firing up.
I got to my feet, holding the phone to my ear and grabbing my bag. Hunter followed behind me, shutting the door and then pulling me against him.
"And then I find out that you're living with your boyfriend and getting into a sexually intimidate relationship. To top this all off, you live right next to a strip club where there have been numerous gang related incidents and you have a tattoo. So, please enlighten me, Andrea, where is the reason in all of this?" she finished off.
"God, would you take a breath," I groaned out, Hunter thwacked my bum in warning. He knew that getting into a heated argument with my mum on the phone was a bad idea, just like I did, but being nineteen years old and a legal adult, she shouldn't be too bothered.
"I didn't hear, nor see anything when this so-called shoot out went down," I started, missing out the fact that I was actually in there. "The tattoo is something that I wanted, I like it and it's my ankle so why should you give a shit?" my mum gasped on the other end of the line, ready to open her mouth and give me all she had.
"And for the last time, I am a virgin!" I exclaimed, stopping so that I could hold my phone away from my ear whilst my mum gave it beans. She was yelling so loudly that I could hear it when I held the phone about a yard away.

The Bad Boy, The Sat Nav and Me
Teen Fiction"You're the good little church girl, this sort of thing shouldn't have happened!" Hunter exclaimed and I scoffed. "Please, you're the badass gang member, you shouldn't have got us lost!" I retorted, only to be rewarded with a scowl. "I'm a gang lead...